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724 Items

Conus smithvillensis, partial steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Chlamys cawcawensis, two unassociated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Pitar chioneformis, 27 small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Jeletzkytes Nodosus, scaphite phragmocone Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Pierre Shale.
Turritella vertebroides, three steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Cubitostrea sellaeformis, large right valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Cubitostrea sellaeformis, two left valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Caricella sp., two steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Loxoplocus sp., shell within matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: McMillan Formation.
Glycymeris subovata, 19 isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Chione latilirata, seven isolated shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Anisoclonta carolina, 23 small valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Caricella sp., partial steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Caecum pulchellum, 33 tubular shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Olivella mutica, 48 small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Petaloconchus sculpturata, two spiraling shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Calyptraea centralis, 26 small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Nucula taphria, 43 isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Cubitostrea sellaeformis, valve in limestone Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Strombiformis spatulata, five tiny shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Snail (Gastropod), very large snail steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Santeevoluta wilmingtonensis, partial steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Belemnitella americana, two guards Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Belemnitella americana, partial guard Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Caecum flemingi, 12 tubular shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Batequeus ducenticostatus, right valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Bivalve (Pelecypoda), left valve and steinkern (unassociated) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Chlamys wahtubbeana, three valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Drilla sp., two tiny shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Pycnodonte sp., isolated right valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Eucrassatella undulata, 14 isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Ammonite (Asteroceras obtusum) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 190 million years old.
Bivalve (Pelecypoda), valve steinkern in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Haustator sp., two incomplete steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Chlamys wahtubbeana, isolated valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Caricella sp., partial steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Cubitostrea sellaeformis, valve in limestone Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Snails (Turritella mortoni) internal casts (x2) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Aquaia Formation.
Plicatula filamentosa, valve in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Spondylus lamellacea, valve in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Chlamys sp., two unassociated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Ostrea sculpturata, four isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Glyptoactis cf. complexicosta, steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Coralliophrila cumberlandiana, numerous high spired shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Xenophora sp., two steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Belemnitella americana, partial guard Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Cochliolepsis spp., two tiny shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Agaronia sp., two incomplete steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Chlamys sp., isolated valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.