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Pitar sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Venericardia sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Phacoides anodonta, four left and four right valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Clam, isolated right valve steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eburneopecten sp., isolated valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Batequeus ducenticostatus, steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Verticordia lockei, two valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Bivalve (Pelecypoda), steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Modiolus sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Plicatula filamentosa, 10 valves and four articulated Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Chama monroensis, two steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Barbatia sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Exogyra costata, two fused valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Bivalve (Pelecypoda), right valve steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Teredo sp., articulated right and left valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Amusium ocalanum, single left valve embedded in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Ocala Limestone.
Carditamera dasytes, convex, oval outlined valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Caloosahatche Formation.
Laevicardium sublineatum, 6 isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Clam (Phlaclomya), three clam steinkerns composed of black Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.