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Waterfall at Table Rock Clemson University Libraries
Table Rock landscape Clemson University Libraries
Man seated on ledge at Table Rock Clemson University Libraries
Table tennis in Fike Recreation Center Clemson University Libraries On back: [Fike Recreation Center, interior]
Dormitory study table and chairs Clemson University Libraries On back: Littlejohn Collection Duplicate [ Barracks- Interior View] 166  40" x 53 1/2 - 30" high This is a blond oak finish table made especially for the College. Inventory 138 Good, 28 To be repaired, [total] 166
Dormitory study table and chairs Clemson University Libraries On back: Littlejohn Collection Duplicate [Barracks Interior View] 287 3" legs - 30" high, 2 1/2" Boards on top - 54"x34" If these tables are to be used, all of the 287 should be re-topped with plywood or other type pressed material - there tables are badly cut up Inventory 287 Chair - Captain 1008 = 668 Good, 340 Fair