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Letter from Weeden to J. P. Strom, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Preparing for any racial incident, disorder, and riot at Clemson College after the ruling. Also trying to get premissions from the State Highway Department to help on this matter.
Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1963 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case, May 1967 Clemson University Libraries Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from McKeown to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Showing his appreciation for Edwards stand against Gantt and offering his support as a Christian, Southernor, graduate of The University of South Carolina, and a State employee.
Letter from Etheredge to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the first page of the Atlanta Journal had the headline: "Clemson Enrolls Negro in Calm Atmosphere" and expressing how gratifying it is for Clemson to have enrolled Gantt peacefully.
Letter from Clark to Edwards, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Edwards for the informationg and planning the to meet him at the South Carolina Association of Colleges at Clemson on October 27th.
Despostion of Mrs. Rebecca Mack Connelly for the Clemson v. Gantt case, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Despostion of Mrs. Rebecca Mack Connelly for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Edwards to Watkins concerning replying to Gantt, May 1962 Clemson University Libraries Edwards asking Watkins to perpare a draft of reply to Gantt's enclosed letter, which Edwards speculates, Fludd will be sending an identical letter to them soon and that Watkin's reply can be sent to both students.
Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 2021 Clemson University Libraries Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1997 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case, May 1974 Clemson University Libraries Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Job Requests - Central Service Office Clemson University Libraries
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Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case, May 1973 Clemson University Libraries Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Case No. 8889 Clemson University Libraries
Letter from Cleveland to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Commending Edwards for holding himself in the manner that Clemson and South Carolina could be proud of.
Letter from Roper to Edwards, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Clemson student explaining that he and his colleagues will not cause any riot when Gantt is admitted.
Letter from Poole to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Going over the long history of events the world has gone through and progressed, while saying that it is leading to a dark era with integration happening more and more.
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Certificate of appearance for Kenneth N. Vickery, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Certificate of appearance for Kenneth N. Vickery and his testimony.
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Appellant's Memorandum of Points and Authroities , September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Appellant's Memorandum of Points and Authroities in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Continuation of Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case, October 1964 Clemson University Libraries Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Despostion of Mrs. Rebecca Mack Connelly for the Clemson v. Gantt case, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Despostion of Mrs. Rebecca Mack Connelly for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Statement from Edwards to media, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Prepared Statement of R. C. Edwards to Representatives of the Various News Media Assmebled at Clemson to Cover the Admission of Harvey Gantt as a Student in the Clemson College School of Architecture
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Letter from Rawls to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards labelled Special Delivery.
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Letter from Duvall to Clemson Alumni, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Criticizing Edwards for his comments on the Gantt case, saying that Clemson fighting Gantt in the first place is what has tarnished its 'good name.'
Letter from A retired College Teacher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Clemson for upholding the tradition of the Old South - Dignity, courage, courtesy, and consideration.
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Letter from Meiburg to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing an editorial that he feels expresses the admiration and appreciation which many feel for the kind of leadership which Edwards has displayed during the Gantt situation.
Letter from O'Neil to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Telegram congraulating Clemson, wishing that the banner wave high and bright.
Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1992 Clemson University Libraries Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Robinson to Edwards regarding the Gantt case, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he has gone over the Gantt case and discussed the matters with Attorney General Mcleod, however, he has no suggestions as to what could be done.
Letter from Kaplow to Edwards, March 1963 Clemson University Libraries Applauding Edwards for doing a good job of working coverage out with the press.
Letter from Rogers to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a copy of the Newark Evening News so Edwards may see how a Northern paper is reporting on the Gantt admission and congratulating him on the excellent way he has handled the situation.
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Letter from Steele to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards if he will do everything in his power to reach an affirmative decision.
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Motion for Order Advancing Date of Hearing Clemson University Libraries Motion for Order Advancing Date of Hearing Appeal for Denial of Preliminary Injuction and Motion for Injuction Pending Appeal for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
Letter from Derrick to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Appreciating Edwards intellectual understanding of the situation that Clemson was facing and showing his support.
Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1965 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case, October 1976 Clemson University Libraries Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from LeMaistre to Edwards, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Edwards for meeting with them and explaining that they are beginning a program "similar to the one discussed with us and Mr. Cauthen."
Letter from McNeil to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Praying that Gods Holdy Spirit will guide Edwards in mind, body, and soul during this new era in history.

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