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Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case, October 1966 Clemson University Libraries Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from Shealy to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards from M.A. Shealy.
Letter from to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards.
Letter regarding Governor Hollings requesting forward of SLED investigation into Gantt and Fludd, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Governor Hollings asked Walker to forward Edwards the results of the SLED investigation into Gantt and Fludd. Walker advises Edwards of the confidential nature of SLED investigations and to "handle the encolsed report accordingly."
Complaint of the Clemson v. Gantt case, July 1970 Clemson University Libraries Complaint of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Discussion between Edwards and Parker Clemson University Libraries A script of Edwards and Parker dicussing a publication in The Charlotte News and The Greenville Piedmont.
Plaintiff's Brief Statement for the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Plaintiff's Brief Statement for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Letter from Furman to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his appreciation for how Clemson has peacefully handled the Gantt situation.
Appellees' Postion with Respect to Motions Made by Appellant, September 1970 Clemson University Libraries Appellees' Postion with Respect to Motions Made by Appellant for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case, October 1975 Clemson University Libraries Appellees' Brief for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from The Truth Seeker Company to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards from The Truth Seeker Company
Letter from Williams to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Requesting that Edwards not allow Gantt to hold any news conferences on the college grounds.
Letter from Clay to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Explaining that it goes against God's commandments to allow people of different races to mix and that segregation should still stand despite political power.
Appellees' Postion with Respect to Motions Made by Appellant, September 1966 Clemson University Libraries Appellees' Postion with Respect to Motions Made by Appellant for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Letter from to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking him for a copy of George Chaplin's letter and enclosing an editoral.
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Letter from McLaurin to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Urging Clemson to accept any qualified black person with little to no publicity, as times have changed and people must learn to change with it.
Certificate of appearance for Kenneth N. Vickery, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Certificate of appearance for Kenneth N. Vickery and his testimony.
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Affidavit in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Action, August 1968 Clemson University Libraries Affidavit in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Action for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Barry to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to peacefully integrate Gantt and not to publicize it because it is unfair to treatment to the other students.
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Letter from Boyd to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing how the white man has always been fair to the darker-skinned, but because they keep asking for more they are essentially bleeding the white man dry.
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Letter from Young to Joe Sherman, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing how proud she is of Clemson for keeping Gantt's integration peaceful and explaining that it would have been better if the media hadn't been allow onto Clemson.
Case No. 8872 Clemson University Libraries
Letter from Hydrick to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his approve for Edwards conduct during the Gantt situation and confidence that he will not let the "Red" win.
Opinion for the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Finding of Fact, Conclusion of Law, and Opinion for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case, May 1972 Clemson University Libraries Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from Edwards to McMillian, March 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congradulating McMillian for doing an outstanding job in presenting a factual story of the events over the past two years.
Letter from Coleman to John F. Kennedy, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his anger at the integration at the University of Mississippi and accusing the president of trying to take over the country in a Soviet-type Control.
Case No. 8907 Clemson University Libraries
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case, July 1962 Clemson University Libraries Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Case No. 8896 Clemson University Libraries
Letter from Rose to Edwards, March 1963 Clemson University Libraries Showing his support for the three man chosen to represent Alabama's peace keeping counsel by listing their credentials and rank.
Letter from Durst to Philip S. Finn, March 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his anger over having to accept Gantt and explaining he does not want to give the appearance of welcoming Gantt, but wants to avoid inflamatory incidents.
Letter from Cashman to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcard congratulating Edwards on the orderly and dignifed manner expressed in accepting Gantt into Clemson.
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Continuation of Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division

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