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Letter from Attorney Watkins to President Edwards regarding application cards for Gantt and Fludd, November 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informs Edwards that all Clemson needs to do is mail Gantt and Fludd application cards, and they should be able to acquire Clemson catalogs at Iowa State themselves. No other communication is necessary.
Defendants for the Clemson v. Gantt case, September 1969 Clemson University Libraries Defendants for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Foster to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Clemson and South Carolina as a whole for the sensible and law-abiding manner in which the admission of Gantt was handled.
Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 2007 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1981 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Edwards to Gunther Schwartz, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope that was returned to the writer, however, return could not be located.
A Warning for Americans, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries A Warning for Americans - Published and Distributed as a Publice Service by the Mississippi State Junior Chamer of Commerce
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Case No. 8875 Clemson University Libraries
Letter from Lamm to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Clemson for how it has acted during Gantt's admission.
Letter from Goddard to President of Clemson College, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Overall ranting about the accomplishments of the white race, and how it is being 'shadowed over' by POC, communists, and queers.
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Letter from Vickery to Gantt, January 1962 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application to Clemson has been recieved, however, due to the South Carolina Regional Education Board paying for the difference in cost between in-state and out-of-state enrollment and Gantt's satisfactory progress at Iowa State University they returned his application.
Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Opinion of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1966 Clemson University Libraries Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Opinion of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Evans to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Praying that God may bless Clemson and all of their families for allowing Gantt to recieve an eduation and recognizing the dignity of man.
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Letter from Turk to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Clemson on the integration of Gantt and renewing his faith in Clemson.
Letter from Hecher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing outrage over Kennedy sending troops to Old Miss and explaining that it is the Jewish who control the NAACP. Attached was clipping that explained why race-mixing is "stupid" and "unnatural" as it will lead to the down fall of white Christian America and Civilization.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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Letter from Edwards to Fair, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Sending his support to Fair on the James Meredith case that Mississippi is currently facing, which is similar to the Gantt case.
Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1991 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Watkins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Going over the terms of agreement from the Gantt case, that they must treat Gantt as they would any other transfer student and not to dictate any individual policies over him or any other student. Also explains that the college still holds the right to exclude POC of the public from any college events.
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Letter from Vickery to Gantt, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that no application from any transfer students have been processed at this date and time.
Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 2046 Clemson University Libraries Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Cohn to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Telegram congratulating Edwards for his intelligent solution to the Gantt situation and offering the WLOS-TV services.
Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1970 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Harris to Editors of the Evening Post, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Harris' letter to the Evening Post about "The Travesty of Integration" by Carl T. Rowan where she expresses that the black population is attempting to catapult their way into a world which took the white man thousands of years to build so that they may "spawn interracial romances" in order to reach salvation of their race.
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Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Opinion of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1976 Clemson University Libraries Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Opinion of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Edwards to L. P. Strom, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he has written to members of Strom's staff who have been stationed at Clemson to express his appreciation on the magnificent job they have done, as well as an attachment of each of those letters for Strom.
Letter from Edwards to Rogers, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Fowarding a file of all the papers that Edwards has pertaining the case.
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Complaint for the Clemson v. Gantt case, April 1962 Clemson University Libraries Complaint for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western Distric of SC Anderson Division
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Letter from Whetsell to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his intent to attent the Annual Meeting of the South Carolina State Chamber of Commerce and the support of the South Carolina Bankers Association.
Letter from Weeden to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Stating that a car was stopped on Clemson campus by a partrol car, containing 4 Kings College of NC students. Two-thirds case of beer and two opened cans were found in the car and the students were released to return home.
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Letter from Edworth to Trustees of Clemson College, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Advising as a former teacher that Gantt should be admitted if he is qualified.
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Letter from Aueraker to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Edwards and Gov. Russell on the stand they have taken in support of law and order in Clemson during the integration problem.
Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 2027 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Smith to President & Trustees of Clemson College, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Letter to Clemson trying to persuade them to not allow integration at their school.
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Complaint of the Clemson v. Gantt case, July 1962 Clemson University Libraries Complaint of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 2021 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Gentry to Editor of The State, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his anger over Gantt being admitted into Clemson and how college officials are conditing their students.
Meeting of the Christian Life and Public Affairs Comittee of the South Carolina Baptist Covention, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries News release about the conclusions drawn by a meeting of the Christian Life and Public Affairs Comittee of the South Carolina Baptist Covention in that peace should be maintain despite differences in opinions of race.
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A Warning for Americans, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries A Warning for Americans - Published and Distributed as a Publice Service by the Mississippi State Junior Chamer of Commerce
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Certificate of appearance for Kenneth N. Vickery, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Certificate of appearance for Kenneth N. Vickery and his testimony.
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Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case, May 1978 Clemson University Libraries Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States Court of Appeals Fourth Court
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Letter from Gray to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking South Carolina and congradulating Edwards for recognizing that change into today's world is inevitable, and that he handed the court decision very calmly and maturely.
Letter from to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards.
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