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Letter from Watkins to Perry, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Watkins informs Matthew Perry, Gantt's attorney, that his office is representing Clemson. States that Gantt contacted Dean McClure on July 2nd, after the lawsuit was brought up, and that it wouild be "highly inappropriate" that there be any further consideration of Gantt's application while litigation is pending. All future communications between their respective clients should be done through attorneys.
Letter from Watkins to Richard Williams, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing 25 copies of the brief of the Appellees in the Gantt case.
Letter from Watkins to Wilson, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Letting Wilson know that they will wait until the Gantt case has progressed further before asking for a complete bill, but are enclosing a bill for some pocket expenses.
Letter from Wearn to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the broadcasters of South Carolina are on Clemson's side "one hundred percent" and that he is proud of to be a Clemson alumnus.
Letter from Weeden to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Stating that a car was stopped on Clemson campus by a partrol car, containing 4 Kings College of NC students. Two-thirds case of beer and two opened cans were found in the car and the students were released to return home.
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Letter from Weeden to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Stating that a car was stopped on Clemson campus by a partrol car, containing 4 Kings College of NC students. Two-thirds case of beer and two opened cans were found in the car and the students were released to return home.
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Letter from Weeden to J. P. Strom, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Preparing for any racial incident, disorder, and riot at Clemson College after the ruling. Also trying to get premissions from the State Highway Department to help on this matter.
Letter from Weeks to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Showing her support by expressing that everyone she knows is behind Clemson 100% and thanking them for helping the black race.
Letter from Welborn to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards from Elizabeth C. Welborn
Letter from Welborn to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries A poem about Harvey Gantt and how he should be allowed to seek the education he desires and that the South could learn from him.
Letter from Wescoat to Edwards, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he loathes the idea of Gantt being admitted, but askes the president to do so in order to keep the peace.
Letter from Whetsell to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his intent to attent the Annual Meeting of the South Carolina State Chamber of Commerce and the support of the South Carolina Bankers Association.
Letter from Will to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope to Edwards from Mrs. C. A. Will.
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Letter from Will to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing her 'sympathy' that Edwards has to admit Gantt, saying that he should drop Gantt off at the White House or burn the college down before he lets him enter.
Letter from Will to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope to Edwards from Mrs. C. A. Will.
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Letter from Williams to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Requesting that Edwards not allow Gantt to hold any news conferences on the college grounds.
Letter from Williams to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Requesting that Edwards not allow Gantt to hold any news conferences on the college grounds.
Letter from Williams to Edwards, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that he is extremely proud of the way Clemson has conducted itself during the Gantt situation.
Letter from Wilson to McEachin, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a check for $1,000 as payment for his connection with the Gantt case.
Letter from Wilson to McEachin, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a check for $1,000 as payment for his connection with the Gantt case.
Letter from Wilson to McLeod, June 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a claim for reimbursement for litigation and other expenses in connection with the court ordered admission of Gantt to Clemson College
Letter from Wilson to Van Arkel and Kaiser, May 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a check for $426.45.
Letter from Wilson to Watkins, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosed was a check for $9,044.02 and another check for $1,000 for his services during the Gantt case.
Letter from Winters to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Appreciating Clemson for the dignity and composure with which it has met in face of the Gantt situation.
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Letter from Winters to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Appreciating Clemson for the dignity and composure with which it has met in face of the Gantt situation.
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Letter from Woodson to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Commending Edwards on how he handled a potentially dangerous situation and has shown the entire nation that South Carolinians are lawn abinding citizens.
Letter from Worrilow to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a letter to Gov. Ross Barnett.
Letter from Worrilow to Governor Barnett, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Stating that by denying James H. Meredith that Mississippi is not only going against the Kennedy family, but the entire Roman Catholic Church and he does not stand a chance.
Letter from Young to Joe Sherman, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing how proud she is of Clemson for keeping Gantt's integration peaceful and explaining that it would have been better if the media hadn't been allow onto Clemson.
Letter from de Feher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Praising Edwards for how he has handled the Gantt situation.
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Letter from de Feher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Praising Edwards for how he has handled the Gantt situation.
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Letter from desJardins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcard congratulating Edwards for acting like a college president should and making South Carolinians giants among Americans.
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Letter from desJardins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcard congratulating Edwards for acting like a college president should and making South Carolinians giants among Americans.
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Letter regarding Governor Hollings requesting forward of SLED investigation into Gantt and Fludd, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Governor Hollings asked Walker to forward Edwards the results of the SLED investigation into Gantt and Fludd. Walker advises Edwards of the confidential nature of SLED investigations and to "handle the encolsed report accordingly."
Letter regarding Hendrix and Gantt requesting renewal of state aid, September 1961 Clemson University Libraries Letter informing Edwards that Harvey Gantt and Willie Hendrix have requested renewal forms for state aid to cover out of state college tuition difference.
Letter with background information on Gantt and Fludd, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Attached letter with background information Watkins asked Director Todd (SC Probation Board) to obtain of Gantt and Fludd. Suggests Edwards check back with his sources to see if "these boys may have been in trouble at Orangeburg or some other point other than Charleston [probably referencing their sit in at a restaurant when they were arrested but but charges would be reversed in December 1961]."
Letter, 1829 June 11, Charles Stevens to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Family Letter. Philosophical discussion of the nature of man.
Letter, 1829 June 11, Charles Stevens to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Family Letter. Philosophical discussion of the nature of man.
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Letter, 1829 June 11, Charles Stevens to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Family Letter. Philosophical discussion of the nature of man.
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Letter, 1829 June 11, Charles Stevens to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Family Letter. Philosophical discussion of the nature of man.
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Letter, 1841 August 24, M. Carey Lee (Philadelphia, PA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries An answer to Ravenel's inquiry about books he wanted.
Letter, 1841 August 24, M. Carey Lee (Philadelphia, PA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries An answer to Ravenel's inquiry about books he wanted.
Letter, 1844 April 22, F. A. Porcher to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope Clemson University Libraries Advises chemical analysis of soils. Sending hogs for exhibition, mentions red clover.
Letter, 1844 April 22, F. A. Porcher to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Advises chemical analysis of soils. Sending hogs for exhibition, mentions red clover.
Letter, 1844 April 22, F. A. Porcher to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Advises chemical analysis of soils. Sending hogs for exhibition, mentions red clover.
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Letter, 1844 April 22, F. A. Porcher to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Advises chemical analysis of soils. Sending hogs for exhibition, mentions red clover.
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Letter, 1846 December 14, Ravenel Edmund (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of prehistoric shells found locally, uncrease of various sea animals attributed to Sullivan's Island Breakwater. Pleased that Ravenel is working on mosses.
Letter, 1846 December 14, Ravenel Edmund (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of prehistoric shells found locally, uncrease of various sea animals attributed to Sullivan's Island Breakwater. Pleased that Ravenel is working on mosses.
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Letter, 1846 December 14, Ravenel Edmund (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of prehistoric shells found locally, uncrease of various sea animals attributed to Sullivan's Island Breakwater. Pleased that Ravenel is working on mosses.
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Letter, 1846 December 14, Ravenel Edmund (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of prehistoric shells found locally, uncrease of various sea animals attributed to Sullivan's Island Breakwater. Pleased that Ravenel is working on mosses.
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Letter, 1846 December 17, John Bachman (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Cordial invitation to use his and Elliott's herbaria. Wants several female oppossums just before the young are born and placed in the pouch.
Letter, 1846 December 17, John Bachman (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page2 Clemson University Libraries Cordial invitation to use his and Elliott's herbaria. Wants several female oppossums just before the young are born and placed in the pouch.
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 5 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC). Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
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Letter, 1848 December 8, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Giving identification of specimen apparently sent by Ravenel.
Letter, 1848 December 8, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Giving identification of specimen apparently sent by Ravenel.
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Letter, 1848 December 8, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Giving identification of specimen apparently sent by Ravenel.
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Letter, 1848 February 28, S. B. Mead (August, IL) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Promising to send specimens as soon as possible. Giving directions for sending specimens to him.
Letter, 1848 February 28, S. B. Mead (August, IL) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Promising to send specimens as soon as possible. Giving directions for sending specimens to him.
Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
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Letter, 1849 March 30, William Starling (Columbus, OH) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Has named a plant after Ravanel, says mosses sent by Ravenel are interesting, wants more. Apparently was accompanied by a list.
Letter, 1849 March 30, William Starling (Columbus, OH) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Has named a plant after Ravanel, says mosses sent by Ravenel are interesting, wants more. Apparently was accompanied by a list.
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Letter, 1849 March 30, William Starling (Columbus, OH) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Has named a plant after Ravanel, says mosses sent by Ravenel are interesting, wants more. Apparently was accompanied by a list.
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Letter, 1849 March 30, William Starling (Columbus, OH) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Has named a plant after Ravanel, says mosses sent by Ravenel are interesting, wants more. Apparently was accompanied by a list.
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Letter, 1850 August 1, W. H. Harvey (Limerick, Ireland) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope Clemson University Libraries Thanking for box of specimens, will reciprocate. Specially wants "Dioncea municipula".
Letter, 1850 August 1, W. H. Harvey (Limerick, Ireland) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for box of specimens, will reciprocate. Specially wants "Dioncea municipula".
Letter, 1850 August 1, W. H. Harvey (Limerick, Ireland) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for box of specimens, will reciprocate. Specially wants "Dioncea municipula".
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Letter, 1850 August 1, W. H. Harvey (Limerick, Ireland) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for box of specimens, will reciprocate. Specially wants "Dioncea municipula".
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Letter, 1850 January 16, Robert Wilson Gibbes (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Apparently replying to inquiry abot a box of specimens. Promises to inquire about his diploma of some academy.
Letter, 1850 January 16, Robert Wilson Gibbes (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Apparently replying to inquiry abot a box of specimens. Promises to inquire about his diploma of some academy.
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Letter, 1851 April 26, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (Dresden, Germany) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope Clemson University Libraries Asking to exchange specimens with Ravenel. Sent through Wiley and Putnam, publishers.
Letter, 1851 April 26, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (Dresden, Germany) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Asking to exchange specimens with Ravenel. Sent through Wiley and Putnam, publishers.
Letter, 1851 April 26, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (Dresden, Germany) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Asking to exchange specimens with Ravenel. Sent through Wiley and Putnam, publishers.
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Letter, 1851 November 10, Stephen Thayer Olney (Augusta, GA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Discussing various plants, collecting, glueing down, etc.
Letter, 1851 November 10, Stephen Thayer Olney (Augusta, GA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Discussing various plants, collecting, glueing down, etc.
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Letter, 1852 January 22, M. A. Curtis (Society Hill, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope Clemson University Libraries Discussion of various botanical specimens. Gives list of those he wants.
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Letter, 1852 January 22, M. A. Curtis (Society Hill, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of various botanical specimens. Gives list of those he wants.
Letter, 1852 January 22, M. A. Curtis (Society Hill, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of various botanical specimens. Gives list of those he wants.
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Letter, 1852 January 22, M. A. Curtis (Society Hill, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of various botanical specimens. Gives list of those he wants.
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