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33 Items

A. Wolfe Davidson (center) with his mother Chasia Hillman Davidson (left) his older brother Mordechai Davidson (back) and his father Chaim Mayer Davidson, circa 1910 Clemson University Libraries Used as an illustration of his family in A. Wolfe Davidson's unpublished memoir "The Power of Pearls."
A. Wolfe Davidson's grandfather Ari-Loeb Davidson, circa 1920 Clemson University Libraries Left image of composite image.
Busts of A. Wolfe Davidson's mother Chasia Hillman Davidson (left) and father Chaim Meyer Davidson, circa 1965 Clemson University Libraries Davidson family photos can be seen at left and bottom.
Cover art for "The Pearls Brought Us to America: A Family Story by A. Wolfe Davidson," circa 1979 Clemson University Libraries Conceptual cover art for A. Wolfe Davidson's unpublished memoir includes portrait paintings of his mother Chasia Hillman Davidson and his maternal grandfather Zalmon Hillman.
Cover art for "The Pearls Brought Us to America: A Family Story by A. Wolfe Davidson," circa 1979 Clemson University Libraries Conceptual cover art for A. Wolfe Davidson's unpublished memoir includes portrait paintings of his mother Chasia Hillman Davidson and his maternal grandfather Zalmon Hillman.
Cover art for "The Pearls Brought Us to America: A Family Story by A. Wolfe Davidson," circa 1979 Clemson University Libraries Conceptual cover art for A. Wolfe Davidson's unpublished memoir includes portrait paintings of his mother Chasia Hillman Davidson and his maternal grandfather Zalmon Hillman.
Portrait of A. Wolfe Davidson's maternal uncle Hillel Hillman Clemson University Libraries On front - A. Makonski, Witebsk