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275 Items

Interior Stairs, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of stairs in Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Interior of Hanover House Clemson University Libraries On back: Objects in Hanover House; [1963]; Clemson News Bureau photo by William D. Cromer
Interior room in Hanover House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Hanover House, interior 1962]
Interior room in Hanover House Clemson University Libraries On back: Interior shot Hanover House; [1962]; Hanover
Interior room in Hanover House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Hanover House, interior 1962]
Interior, Clemson House Lobby Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Clemson House hotel lobby. Photo identified on Clemson Libraries' website as dating to 1957. On back: [Interior, 1950s]; OUTDATED; Clemson House;
Interior, Clemson House Lobby Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Clemson House hotel lobby. On back: CLEMSON HOUSE; [Interior, 1960s]; 1778 insert; 2 3/4 strip into layout panel;
Interior, Clemson House Lobby Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Clemson House hotel lobby. Photo appears to have been taken later than other lobby shots dating to Circa 1950; note the differences in curtains and furniture, as well as wallpaper covering the columns (visible in shots Circa 1960). On back: Clemson House; [Interior, 1950s;]
Interior, Clemson House Lobby Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Clemson House hotel lobby. On back: [Interior, 1950s]; Clemson House;
Interior, Clemson House Lobby Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Clemson House hotel lobby. On back: [Clemson House Interior, 1950s];
Interior, Clemson House, Crowd in Tiger Tavern Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of patrons in Tiger Tavern at the Clemson House hotel. On back: [Clemson House Tiger Tavern, 1950];
Interior, Clemson House, Crowd in Tiger Tavern Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of patrons in Tiger Tavern at the Clemson House hotel. On back: Tiger Tavern (Clemson House); [1950s]; OUTDATED;
Interior, Clemson House, Diners in Sabre Room Clemson University Libraries North facing interior shot of patrons in Sabre Room dining space in Clemson House hotel. On back: [Clemson House, 1950s];
Interior, Clemson House, Dining Table Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of dining table with Clemson House hotel monogrammed linens. On back: Clemson House; [Interior, 1950s]; OUTDATED;
Interior, Clemson House, Mural in Sabre Room Clemson University Libraries On back: [Clemson House Interior, 1950s]; Mural painting by Gilmer Petroff featured in the Sabre Room in Clemson House. Mural depicts the life of a Clemson cadet, from freshman year through graduation.
Interior, Clemson House, Sabre Room Clemson University Libraries North facing interior shot of the Sabre Room dining space at the Clemson House hotel. Provided by the Bissett, Carlisle & Wolff architectual firm. Photo taken prior to installation of mural by Gilmer Petroff. On back: CLEMSON HOUSE; [1950s]; OUTDATED; Seber Room [lined out] CLEMSON HOUSE; 1778 insert; Property of William G. Lyles Bissett, Carlisle & Wolff Architects Columbia, S.C. Acquired; 2 3/4 crop to 1 13/16 deep strip into len out;
Interior, Clemson House, Sabre Room Clemson University Libraries South facing interior shot of Sabre Room dining space in Clemson House hotel. On back: Clemson House; [Interior, 1950s]; OUTDATED;
Interior, Clemson House, Student Cafeteria Clemson University Libraries On back: Clemson House interior; [1970s]; [01-87]; Room pictured is believed to be the Sabre Room, now a student cafeteria-style dining hall instead of a sit-down hotel restaurant. The columns and walls have been wallpapered, and the mural by Gilmer Petroff is no longer visible.
Interior, Clemson House, Tiger Tavern Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Tiger Tavern at the Clemson House hotel. On back: Tiger Tavern Clemson House; [1950s];
Interior, Clemson House, Tiger Tavern Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Tiger Tavern at the Clemson House hotel. On back: CLEMSON HOUSE; [Tiger Tavern, 1950s]; OUTDATED; 1778 insert; 2 3/4 crop to 1 13/16 strip into panel;
Interior, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Interior, Entrance to Clemson House Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of entrance to Clemson House hotel. Shot includes neon signage for Tiger Tavern. On back: CLEMSON HOUSE; [Interior, 1960s]; OUTDATED; 1778 rusert; 2 3/4 crop to 1 13/16 deep strip into panel;
Kettle on table sitting on hearth in Hanover House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Hanover House, interior 1963]
Lawn in front of President's Home Clemson University Libraries South-facing exterior shot of the lawn and front facade of the President's Home. On back: [President's Home]
Louise Odom Edwards at reception in President's Home Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of guests at a reception in the President's Home, taken during Robert C. Edwards' tenure as president of Clemson University. Dr. Edwards' wife, Louise Odom Edwards, shown far right. On back: President's Home Exterior crowd photo; [1963]; [Louise Odom Edwards (far right)]
Mantle Piece, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of mantle piece in Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. Man in portrait above mantle identified as Dr. David Wistar Daniel. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Mike Murdaugh and Betsy Russell in interior room of Hanover House Clemson University Libraries On back: Mike Murdaugh and Betsy Russell- Hanover House- Dec. 83
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Moorman House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of Moorman House, which was built in 1935 and served as a faculty residence. Located on Douthit Hills directly across from the President's Park, the house was razed in 2013. On back: Moorman House 8/1/84
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Morrison House, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of the Morrison House. Demolished during the construction of the President's House in 1958, it was one of the original faculty residences on campus. Built around 1895, occupants included William Shannon Morrison, James C. Littlejohn, and William Harold Washington. On back: 1 of original Clemson College residencies; [Morrison House c1895 - ?]; [Little John House]; [Washington House c1937-c1958]; [demolished to make room for President's House c1958]
National Dropout Prevention Center, exterior Clemson University Libraries Southeast facing exterior shot of the National Dropout Prevention Center. The building previously served as the Vice-President's house, and then offices for the Strom Thurmond Institute. On back: [National Dropout Prevention Center 1989-]; [Vice President's House c1958 -?]; [Strom Thurmond Institute Office c1981-1989]
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Photograph of Brandon Mills employee house, Greenville, S.C. circa 1934 Clemson University Libraries Photograph of Brandon Mills employee house, Greenville, S.C., circa 1934
Circa 1934
Photograph of Mary and Robert Lee Campbell Clemson University Libraries Photograph of Mary and Robert Lee Campbell, parents of R. Neal Campbell, sitting on the porch of their house; no central heat, inside plumbing and bath installed in 1936, and one overhead electrical drop light in each room
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries West-facing exterior shot showing steel support beams for the construction of the Poole Agricultural Center, with prefabricated student housing in background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Porch Ceiling, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot showing damage to porch ceiling at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Porch Post and Roof, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of front porch and rightmost porch post at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Porch Post, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of leftmost porch post at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Power House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Demolition of old Boiler Plant prior to construction of new dormitories, 1953] Littlejohn Collection Duplicate
Power House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Boiler Plant] Littlejohn Collection Duplicate
Power House smoke stack Clemson University Libraries South-west facing exterior shot of the smoke stack on the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 to make way for Johnstone Hall. On back: [Power plant]; Smoke Stack - Physical Plant
Power House, exterior Clemson University Libraries East-facing exterior shot of the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 in order to make way for Johnstone Hall. Photograph taken prior to construction of Barracks 10. On back: The College Power Plant; The Power Station; I pictures places bldgs power plant (old)
Power House, interior Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of a steam turbine and electrical generator in the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 to make way for Johnstone Hall. On back: [Power Plant]
Power House, interior Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of coal-fired boilers in the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 to make way for Johnstone Hall. On back: Mechanical Engineering 500 Horse Power in Boilers Power Plant
Prefab house, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of a prefab house. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Prefab house, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of a prefab house. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Prefab houses, aerial Clemson University Libraries Northeast-looking aerial photograph of prefab housing cluster known as Area A, located east of main campus where Littlejohn Coliseum now stands. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]; [c1948]; [aerial view]; [Fike Field House]
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Buildings - Prefabs
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back:
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
President's Home in snow Clemson University Libraries Southeast-facing exterior shot of the President's Home after a snowfall. On back: Snow Scenes Clemson Campus; [President's Home]; [1971]