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2,027 Items

Batoid, dermal denticle Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Pseudoatrypa (Atrypa) devoniana, 11 articulated specimens and isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Lime Creek Formation.
Rafinesquina aff. ponderosa, brachial valve in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Cincinnatian Series.
Cyrtina inulata, two articulated specimens Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Lime Creek Formation.
Myliobatis sp., portion of lower dentition Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Coastal plain deposits.
Grammysia sp., two steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Floyd Shale.
Batoid, two caudal spine fragments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Orthida brachiopod, crushed shell Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Monteagle Limestone.
Sperm whale (Physeteridae) partial tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Chlamys sp., isolated valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Wewokella contorta, portion of body Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Thrifty Formation; Speck Mtn. Ls.
Galeorhinus sp., six teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Glycymeris abberans, five isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Meristella nasuta, seven isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Onandaga Limestone.
Oyster (Ostreidae), steinkern (right valve) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Chama monroensis, articulated right and left valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Crassatella sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Negaprion eurybathrodon, 83 teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.

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2,027 Items