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2,027 Items

Eburneopecten sp., isolated valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Echinocrinus aculeata, isolated plate Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Winfield Formation.
Echinocrinus aculeata, isolated plate of an echinoid test Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Grenola Limestone.
Ecphora quadricostata, 14 moderate high-spired shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Ecphora sp., 18 small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Edentate mammal, isolated dermal scute Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Coastal plain deposits.
Elasmobranch Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Elasmobranch (Chondrichthyes), two centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Elasmobranch (Chondrichthyes), two centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Elasmobranch vertebrae, five vertebrae fragments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Elasmobranch, 12 centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Elasmobranch, 25 centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Elasmobranch, centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, four centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Elasmobranch, four centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Elasmobranch, isolated centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Elasmobranch, partial centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, partial centrum Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, seven centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, six centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Elasmobranch, three fragments of cartilage Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Elasmobranch, three isolated vertebral centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Coastal plain deposits.
Elasmobranch, two fragments of cartilage Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Elasmobranch, two incomplete vertebral centra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Elasmosaurus platyurus Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Pierre Shale
Elegantoceras sp. Bob Campbell Geology Museum 170 million years old; Donated: P. Benson.
Elm (Ulmus sp.) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tranquille Shale; McAbee fossil beds.
Elm (Ulmus sp.) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 32 million years old; Formation: Florissant Shale.
Elrathia gregoryensis, complete trilobite cast Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Conasauga Formation.
Elrathia gregoryensis, partial cephalon Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Conasauga Formation.
Elrathia kingii, exoskeleton in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Wheeler Shale.
Elrathia sp., left side of trilobite thorax in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Conasauga Formation.
Elrathia sp., thoracic segment Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Conasauga Formation.
Enallaster texanus, complete test Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Fredericksburg Formation; Goodland Ls. Mbr.
Enallaster texanus, complete test Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Fredericksburg Formation; Goodland Ls. Mbr.
Enchodus cf. ferox, dentary tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Enchodus cf. ferox, tip of dentary Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Enchodus sp. Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Enchodus sp. Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Enchodus sp., four teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Encope aff. Macrophora, dorso-ventrally flattened specimen Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Encope sp., test fragments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Encope tamiamiensis, two tests with roughly circular outlines Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tamiami Formation.
Endopachys sp., isolated calyx Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Endopachys sp., portions of 11 corals Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Endopachys sp., steinkern (internal morphology) in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Endopachys sp., steinkern of internal matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Endopachys sp., steinkern showing internal morphology Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Ensis directus, five incomplete shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Enteletes sp., seven crushed specimens Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Speiser Shale.
Enteletes sp., three shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Grenola Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, carapace fragment Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, carapace fragment Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, carapace fragment Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, incomplete carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, incomplete carapace in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, incomplete carapace in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, incomplete carapace of a very small individual Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, two incomplete crab carapaces Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius blowi, two unassociated carapace fragments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eocarpilius sp., two incomplete crab claws Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eoradiolites davidsoni, lower valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Fredericksburg Formation.
Eosolen sp., five steinkerns Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eosolen sp., partial steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eosolen sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Eosuchus aff. lerichei, incomplete tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eosuchus aff. lerichei, small incomplete tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eosuchus aff. lerichei, two teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eosuchus sp., one incomplete vertebrae Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., one incomplete pharyngeal tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., pharyngal tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., pharyngeal tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., two incomplete pharyngeal teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eotrigonodon sp., two pharyngeal teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Episocpal miter (Mitra mitra) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Modern; Donated: E. Halpen.
Epitoneum carolinae, five shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Epitoneum sp., three tiny shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Equus sp. middle phalanx Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Waccamaw Formation.
Equus sp. proximated phalanx, digit III Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation
Erycina americana, two right valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Eucalyptocrinites crassus Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Waldron Shale.
Eucrassatella undulata, 14 isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Eulima eborea, three very small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Eulima juncea, one shell Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Eumetria vera, articulated specimen Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Hartsella Sandstone.
Eumetria vera, four articulated specimens Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Hartsella Sandstone.
Eupatagus antellarium, test is longer than wide with oval outline Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Ocala Limestone.
Euphemites carbonarius, globular, planispiral shell Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Graham Formation; Wayland shale member.