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Ostrea sp., unassociated right and left valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Rail-like bird (Songzia heidangkouensis) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 50 million years old; Formation: Yangxi Formation; Donated: R.S. Campell.
Clam, one shell Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Grenola Limestone.
Abdounia recticona, tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Elasmobranch vertebrae, five vertebrae fragments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Periarchus lyelli, test Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Brachycyathra reidenbachi, 35 small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Reticulatia americanus, articulated specimen Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harpersville Formation; Bellknap Ls. Member.
Pycnodonte sp., isolated right valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Nannippus aztecus, lower tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Physogaleus secundus, three isolated teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Modiolus sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Hemipristis curvatus, ten teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Turritella bardenii, five shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Gymnosperm (Otozamites feistmanteli) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Marburg Sandstone.
Abdounia enniskilleni, tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Cyclomera inflatum, limestone filled calcite replaced shell Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Fairview Formation.
Bony fish, two vertebrae, narrow, bi-concave disc Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Carcharocles angustidens, 14 incomplete teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Whale cervical vertebra Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Crucibulum grande, 17 shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Scabrotrigonia eufaulensis, articulated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Cone shell (Conus sp.) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Waccamaw Formation.
Squatina prima, tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Astarte concentrica, 8 valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Pentacrinus asteriscus, 16 stem segments consisting of several fused columnals Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Sundance Formation.
Chilomycterus schoepfi, 67 jaws Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Sphyrna zygaena, three teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Coastal plain deposits.
Bucanopsis sp., steinkern in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Hartsella Sandstone.
Clam (Crassatella texalta) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Clam, two valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Galeocerdo sp., one tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Eurhodia rugosa, three tests Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Crab (Avitelmessus grapsoideus) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 70 million years old; Formation: Ripley Formation; Donated: R.S. Campbell.
Pseudelvia perspecitiva, two shells, generally ovate with rounded whorls Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Stone City Formation.
Bellerophon sp, partial steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Altamont Limestone; Member: Amoret Limestone.
Carcharocles megalodon, three teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Eocarpilius blowi, partial carapace Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Teredo sp., fragment of isognomon maxillata with teredo in situ Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Tulip snail (Clavilithes sp.) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone; Donated: Janice Lay.
Jefferson's ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii), pedal digits 2 and ungual Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Combahee River, Colleton Co., SC; Donated: M. Havenstein.
Divaricella quadrisulcata, eight valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Scomberomorus sp., tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Grammysia sp., valve in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Floyd Shale.
Sphyraena bognorensis, 11 isolated teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Isurus praecursor, two teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Alokistocare sp., exoskeleton Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Conasauga Formation.
Cylindracanthus rectus, rostrum fragment Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Bony fish, eight vertebrae and vertebral fragments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Gastropod, steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Turritella plebia, numerous high-spired shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Periarchus lyelli, test in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Carycorbula spp., 161 valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Periarchus lyelli, partial test in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Phillipsia sp., pygidium in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Plattsburg Limestone; Member: Spring Hill Limestone.
Carcharias acutissima, 13 teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.
Carcharias cf. acutissima, three teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Pycnodonte sp., left valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Knobbed whelk (Busycon carica) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Modern; Donated: E. Halpen.
Ammonite (Dactylioceras commune) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 190 million years old; Formation: Witby Mudstone; Donated: H. Abercrombie.
Eucrassatella undulata, 14 isolated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Marginifera lasallensis, articulated valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Graham Formation; Wayland shale member.
Sea lily - crinoid (Forbesiocrinus multibrachiatus) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 350 million years old; Formation: Edwardsville Formation; Donated: R.S. Campbell.
Carcharocles angustidens, posterior tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Anomia cf. simplex, isolated left valve Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Turbonilla interrupta, one shell Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Trilobite (Acadoparadoxides briareus) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 500 million years old.
Goniodelphis hudsoni, tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Terebratulid, steinkern (articulated valves) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Ammonite (Arietites bucklandi) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 190 million years old; Formation: Lias Formation.
Echinocrinus aculeata, isolated plate Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Winfield Formation.
Crinoid, calyx plate Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Speiser Shale.
Rhinoptera sp., ten teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Euphoberia armigeria split ironstone concretion with impression of a worm Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Francis Creek Shale
Cyrtina sp., crushed specimen Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Monteagle Limestone.
Eulima eborea, three very small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Cardium sp., right valve steinkern in matrix Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Bornia triangula, 3 valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Lophophyllidium proliferum, sol. coral, thing slightly curving conical theca Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Graham Formation.
Hemipristis serra, three teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Lirodiscus smithvillensis, steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Tupelo Bay Formation.
Ammonite (Asteroceras obtusum) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 190 million years old.
Sulcatostrophia camerata, two articulated speciments Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Lime Creek Formation.
Astarte obruta, four right and two left valves Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Eastover Formation.
Gouldia metastriatum, 82 isolated small shells Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Raysor Marl.
Propristis schweinfurthi, rostral fragment Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harleyville Formation.
Delocrinus cf. subhemisphericus, isolated radial Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Harpersville Formation; Belknap Ls. Mbr.
Rhinoptera sp., 76 isolated teeth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Bone Valley Deposits.
Anomoeodus phaseolus, partial palatal tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Peedee Formation.
Bivalve (Pelecypoda) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Hickory nut (Juglans costata) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 32 million years old; Formation: Florissant Shale.
Periarchus lyelli, three tests Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Spisula sp., steinkern Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Santee Limestone.
Ancient Bison (Bison antiquus) astragalus (ankle bone) Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Coastal plain deposits.
Eosuchus aff. lerichei, incomplete tooth Bob Campbell Geology Museum Formation: Clinchfield Formation.

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