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Letter from Steele to Gov. Donald S. Russell, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that now that integration has happened in a South Carolina school it shows that the Supreme Court is raining down tyranny by the demands of a dictator (Kennedy) that has forced the South to surrender to the demands of the NAACP.
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Letter from Cassel to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the Civil War is over and the black man should be free just as much as any other man. Also accusing the South that their poor treatment of the black population is what is leading to the growing up to 'juvenile delinquentes.'
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Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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Letter from Watkins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Going over the terms of agreement from the Gantt case, that they must treat Gantt as they would any other transfer student and not to dictate any individual policies over him or any other student. Also explains that the college still holds the right to exclude POC of the public from any college events.
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Letter from Twells to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Edwards throw a Greet Gantt Rally so that every student may welcome him and speak to him kindly to show the country that Clemson is no longer living in the past and give the students an opprotunity to learn from their new collegeue.
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Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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Letter from Twells to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Edwards throw a Greet Gantt Rally so that every student may welcome him and speak to him kindly to show the country that Clemson is no longer living in the past and give the students an opprotunity to learn from their new collegeue.
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Letter from Edwards to Brown, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Acknowleding the tear sheet from the New York Times and explaining that it was a full page spread by the NAACP seeking to solicit $750,000 to pay the cost of keeping Mrs. Motley and her cohorts in business. Edwards explains he cannot contribute the full amount to this payment.
Receipt of letter regarding background checks on Fludd and Gantt, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging receipt of letter from June 8, 1961. "A thorough check of all local police and court records has been made. We have not found any police records on either of the above named subjects [Fludd and Gantt]."
Letter from Twells to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Edwards throw a Greet Gantt Rally so that every student may welcome him and speak to him kindly to show the country that Clemson is no longer living in the past and give the students an opprotunity to learn from their new collegeue.
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Letter from Joe Sherman to SC Daily Newspaper regarding Civil Action 4101, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the attorneys for the Plaintiff in Civil Action 4101 have filed in the Western District Court of South Carolina notice of appeal from the Order issued by Judge C.C. Wyche denying the Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction against Clemson College. Also the NAACP attorneys in New York have filed a Notice of Motion for Order Advancing Date of Hearing Appeal From Denial of Preliminary Injunction and for Injunction Pending Appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Fourth District, Richmond, Virginia.
Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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Letter from Edwards to Furman president regarding Clemson's response to Gantt's legal action, July 1962 Clemson University Libraries Attachments of copies of the Summons, Complaint, and Motion for Preliminary Injuction which were contained in the Civil Action #4101. These were to be filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina by Harvey B. Gantt who was seeking admission to Clemson College.
Letter from Fred Redmer to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Article about Clemson fighting the integration of Gantt with an angry letter to the president of Clemon College saying that Gantt should have stayed up North in Iowa as he won't be able to get a job in South Carolina and is degrading the "preservation of a 400 year Elizabethan culture from England" with his "African heritage."
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Letter from Fred Redmer to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Article about Clemson fighting the integration of Gantt with an angry letter to the president of Clemon College saying that Gantt should have stayed up North in Iowa as he won't be able to get a job in South Carolina and is degrading the "preservation of a 400 year Elizabethan culture from England" with his "African heritage."
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Letter from Harris to Editors of the Evening Post, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Harris' letter to the Evening Post about "The Travesty of Integration" by Carl T. Rowan where she expresses that the black population is attempting to catapult their way into a world which took the white man thousands of years to build so that they may "spawn interracial romances" in order to reach salvation of their race.
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Letter from I like my job to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Urging Clemson to refuse Gantt's admission by simply telling the court that Clemson will refuse to grant a degree to any one entering the college by force and that the court should issue Gantt is degree, just so long as the Clemson name is not associated.
Letter from Edwards to Harold B. Risher, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that a meeting of the Alumni National Council was held and the unanimouse opinion was that Clemon alumni as a body should be brought up to date on the Gantt case, thus a summary was written in the December issue of the Alumni News.
Letter from Edwards to Gressette with solution to "problem at hand", September 1961 Clemson University Libraries Edwards believes they have found a solution to the "problem at hand" which is to discontinue acceptance of additional transfer students as of August 31. States that new students have to report to Clemson by September 8 and that amount of time isn't enough for the Director of Admissions to properly process those applications. 51 students have been informed their applications were not completed in time and any new applications received will be considered for enrollment in February 1962.
Letter from Harris to Editors of the Evening Post, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Harris' letter to the Evening Post about "The Travesty of Integration" by Carl T. Rowan where she expresses that the black population is attempting to catapult their way into a world which took the white man thousands of years to build so that they may "spawn interracial romances" in order to reach salvation of their race.
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Letter from Conolly to John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Claiming the Kennedys as being 'white skin barbarians' and telling them to take their communism and evil laws out of the Christian nation of the USA as God will punish them for going against His words not to mix with other people.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt regarding cancellation of Gantt's application to Clemson, October 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application to Clemson for attendance in September of 1961 has been canceled as indicated by the letters sent out August 31, and they have no pending applications from Gantt at this time. Informs Gantt that he can apply for admission at the beginning of the next semester. It is not necessary for Gantt to retake the college exams, but he must provide trascript of college work completed to the time of entrance request, and evidence of his good standing at his current college. Once those have been sent to Clemson he may be called for personal interview before final decision is made.
Letter from Edwards informing Vickery to take no action on Gantt and Fludd's application letters, February 1962 Clemson University Libraries Asking Vickery to hold the letters from Gantt and Fludd in Dec 1961 in his files. Clemson will take no action regarding the applications nor will they acknowledge receipt of them. They won't take any action unless further communications are received.
Letter from Cauthen to Georage A. LeMaistre, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing of the burst of violence that occurred in Mississippi and that it may have been prevented if business people acted sooner. In order to prevent such a thing from occuring in Alabama, a list of nine precautions are listed in order to keep the peace and keep frederal troops from flying in. Among these things appear to suggest going against the Governor is he does not do an adequate job of keeping things calm, but keeping him in good favour until then.
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Letter from Cauthen to Georage A. LeMaistre, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing of the burst of violence that occurred in Mississippi and that it may have been prevented if business people acted sooner. In order to prevent such a thing from occuring in Alabama, a list of nine precautions are listed in order to keep the peace and keep frederal troops from flying in. Among these things appear to suggest going against the Governor is he does not do an adequate job of keeping things calm, but keeping him in good favour until then.
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Letter from Edwards to presidents of other White colleges in SC regarding Clemson's response to Gantt's legal action, July 1962 Clemson University Libraries Edwards forwarding copies of the "summons, complain, and motion for preliminary injuction contained in Civil Action #4101", and Clemson's answer. Writes that the receipients will be interested in the letters attached as exhibits. His intent with this letter is to give the presidents time (Clemson's answer wouldn't be public for another two days) to discuss the contents with their own faculty and admin staff.
Letter from Edwards to Members of the Clemson Board of Trustees, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Notifying that Mr. Watkins is forwarding the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals a Petition requestiong a stay of the Order dated Junary 16 directing Judge Wyche to issue the Injunction described in the Opinion of the Circuit Court of Appeals dated January 16. Also adding that the legal steps contemplated have been concurred in unanimously by Governor Donald S. Russell, James F. Byrnes, Senator Edgar A. Brown, and Attorney General Dan McLeod.
Letter from Edwards to Watkins regarding identical letters from Gantt and Fludd, September 1961 Clemson University Libraries Sends Gantt and Fludd letters from Sept 15 and Sept 20 noting that they are nearly identical. Edwards spoke with Senator Brown as to how to respond and decided that they should respond within the next few days telling the two students that letters were sent out August 31 stating the status of their incomplete applications and a copy of the admission policy. Senator Brown advised making the letters as brief as possible and only include the necessary information concerned.
Letter from Edwards to Members of the Clemson Board of Trustees, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that Judge Sobelof will be seeing Mr. Watkins on the morning of January 21. Attachment of an Application for Stay of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in the Supreme Court of the United States. Also notifying that a meeting will be taking place at 9:30 am at the Wade Hampton Hotel on January 24.
Letter from Edwards to Clark attaching a copy of a court order regarding Civil Action 4101, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Attachment of a copy of the Opinion and Order from Judge C.C. Wyche for the Western District of South Carolina in Civil Action 4101 in which he sets forth his reasons for denying the Motion of Harvey B. Gantt for a Preliminary Injunction. Also copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Advancing Date of Hearing Appeal from Denial of Preliminary Injunction and Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal.
Letter from Edwards to Gressette regarding college board exam scores of Gantt and Fludd, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Edwards writes they have received college board exam scores for applicants who took the test on June 29 and neither Fludd nor Gantt were on the list of applicants. He states the next board exam is on August 9 and the scores wouldn't come in till early September. Clemson will not take any further action on their applications till scores are received. Coooper, Byrnes, Brown, D.W. Robinson, and attorney Watkins are CCed.
Letter from President Edwards to Governor Hollings informing him Gantt and Fludd have applied to Clemson, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informs Hollings that Gantt and Fludd have applied for admission to Clemson as transfer students. Asks if Hollings will ask SLED to "check their files to determine if either or both of these persons have criminal records of any kind or if they have ever been arrested."