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Letter from Franei to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that he sympathsizes with Edwards on the matter of integration, as he believes in love for all men as a Catholic, but believes the races each have their place.
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Letter from Watkins to McEachin, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that they are going ahead with the preparation of a Petition for certiorari and letting McEachin know that if his expenses are not paid for by the Gressette Committee than he should contact Mel Wilson.
Letter from Will to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing her 'sympathy' that Edwards has to admit Gantt, saying that he should drop Gantt off at the White House or burn the college down before he lets him enter.
Letter from Poole to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Going over the long history of events the world has gone through and progressed, while saying that it is leading to a dark era with integration happening more and more.
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Letter from Franei to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that he sympathsizes with Edwards on the matter of integration, as he believes in love for all men as a Catholic, but believes the races each have their place.
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Letter from Edwards to M. H. Whetsell, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Attachment of a copy of Judge Wyche's Opinion and a copy of a draft of a policy statement, asking for it to be adopted by the South Carolina Banker's Association.
Order in Compliance with the Opinion, Order, and Mandate for the Clemson v. Gantt case, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Order in Compliance with the Opinion, Order, and Mandate for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Letter from Franei to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that he sympathsizes with Edwards on the matter of integration, as he believes in love for all men as a Catholic, but believes the races each have their place.
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Letter from John Smith to G.E. Metz and H.G. Moody, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Phone call concerning the Gantt case where "Mr. Smith" expressing his opinion that the administration and the Board of Trustees are traitors and have "sold out the South."
Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from Moses to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcards wishing Clemson the best with integrating Gantt into Clemson with a dignified and honourable manner so that Clemson may be a shining example to South Carolina and the United States.
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Letter from Edwards to Howard Nottingham, page 1, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Going over every trace of contact he has had with Mr. Finn on the issue of the Gantt case and integration, including attaching the letters they had exchanged.
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Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from Martin to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Postcard accusing Edwards of helping the International Communist Conspiracy in the gradual takeover over of the great Republic by not fighting back against the courts decree to allow Gantt to attent Clemson.
Letter from Haddon to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Clemson faculty to remain silent and allow the student body to handle the situation by drawing up a pledge to not talk or associate with Gantt under any circumstances.
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Letter from Haddon to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Clemson faculty to remain silent and allow the student body to handle the situation by drawing up a pledge to not talk or associate with Gantt under any circumstances.
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Letter from Edwards to Board of Trustees regarding date change for court hearing, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the date of the Appeal to the Fourth Circuit Court in Richmond, Virginia has been changed form September 17 to September 25.
Letter from Moses to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcards wishing Clemson the best with integrating Gantt into Clemson with a dignified and honourable manner so that Clemson may be a shining example to South Carolina and the United States.
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Letter from Martin to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Postcard accusing Edwards of helping the International Communist Conspiracy in the gradual takeover over of the great Republic by not fighting back against the courts decree to allow Gantt to attent Clemson.
Letter from Faver to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that it is unfortunate that the press, the courts, and the public opinion have made the Gantt situation so public, but he is proud of how Clemson has handled it.
Letter from Linke to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to allow Gantt and other black men to enjoy the benefits of education and the kind guidance which may allow them to become a credit to themselves, their college, and the United States.
Letter from Adams to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Apologizing for the trouble that Edwards is facing with Gantt trying to be admitted into Clemson and stating that most of the problems the black population face are due to their own actions.
Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from Gantt to Clemson College - Office of Admissions, July 1959 Clemson University Libraries Asking Clemson College to send him information about expenses, courses, and requirements as he was a high school student in Charleston interested in a degree in architecuture.
Letter from Watkins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining the work he has been doing to prepare the petition for certiorari in the Gantt case and asking for $1,000 to pay Gressman who was retained to assist them before the Supreme Court.
Letter from Risher to Robertson, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that a minister has been trying to influence Clemson students to accept Gantt by preaching NAACP and Communist thinking. However, the Clem alumns are being alerted for the urgent need for a program that will expose their communist plan to take over the country. Enclosed was an expression of the attitude and aims of one group of the alumni.
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Letter from Sherman to R.W. Duvall, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Replying to Duvall by explaining that Clemson is a state operated instiution and must operate within the laws of the State of South Carolina. Also challenging the notion that Clemson cries for money to provide better programs.
Letter from Reese to Edwards, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his nasesa at having a black student attend Clemson, but urging Edwards to accept Gantt and graduate him as soon as possible in order to avoid the wrath of the federal troops.
Letter from Fludd to Registrar Vickery, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging reciept of Vickery's letter (May 9, 1961) stating no applications from any prospective transfer students have been processed. Also providing available times for when he could have a meeting with Clemson officials about his application, and to redirect correspondence to his Charleston address.
Letter from Risher to Robertson, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that a minister has been trying to influence Clemson students to accept Gantt by preaching NAACP and Communist thinking. However, the Clem alumns are being alerted for the urgent need for a program that will expose their communist plan to take over the country. Enclosed was an expression of the attitude and aims of one group of the alumni.
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Letter from Watkins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining the work he has been doing to prepare the petition for certiorari in the Gantt case and asking for $1,000 to pay Gressman who was retained to assist them before the Supreme Court.
Letter from Dean McClure to Gantt asking Gantt for portfolio and a meeting, July 1962 Clemson University Libraries Dean McClure informing Gantt that they require a portfolio of work from him, and after his submission, McClure recommends he come to Clemsno for a conference.
Letter from Deane to Edwards, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Clemson student saying that he also has a few ideas on how to keep the peace and asking to be allowed into any serious discussions with Edwards or the student leaders on this matter.
Letter from Risher to Robertson, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that a minister has been trying to influence Clemson students to accept Gantt by preaching NAACP and Communist thinking. However, the Clem alumns are being alerted for the urgent need for a program that will expose their communist plan to take over the country. Enclosed was an expression of the attitude and aims of one group of the alumni.
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Letter from Gaulden to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Commending Clemson for their intelligent and careful handling of the Gantt affair, explaining that it may be dissapointing that Gantt will be admitted, but it is better than destorying a fine school through resistance.
Letter from Edwards to Horn, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Boosting that he believes they did a good job in proving that Gantt was not being discriminated against in his application, but explains that if Gantt is admitted he will be treated like very other student.
Letter from Robinson to Edwards regarding the Gantt case, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he has gone over the Gantt case and discussed the matters with Attorney General Mcleod, however, he has no suggestions as to what could be done.
Letter from Watkins to Perry, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Watkins informs Matthew Perry, Gantt's attorney, that his office is representing Clemson. States that Gantt contacted Dean McClure on July 2nd, after the lawsuit was brought up, and that it wouild be "highly inappropriate" that there be any further consideration of Gantt's application while litigation is pending. All future communications between their respective clients should be done through attorneys.
Letter from Board of Christian Social Concerns to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing their support for Clemson as periods of transitions are always hard and thanking them for every effort that has been made to make the transitions peaceful and orderly.
Letter from Edwards regarding hearing on motion for preliminary injunction, August 1962 Clemson University Libraries Confirming a telephone conversation and attachment of Copies of Despositions of Mr. Vickery and Mrs. Rebecca Conley, and the transcript of the hearing held on Motion for Preliminary Injunction by Judge Wyche.
Letter from Rogers to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a copy of the Newark Evening News so Edwards may see how a Northern paper is reporting on the Gantt admission and congratulating him on the excellent way he has handled the situation.
Letter from Bloodworth to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Edwards refused to have any more black students integration into Clemson, and the entire U.S., after this season as mixing races is against the Bible and will only lead to more death.
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Letter from Bloodworth to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Edwards refused to have any more black students integration into Clemson, and the entire U.S., after this season as mixing races is against the Bible and will only lead to more death.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Letter from Hollings to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that Edwards plan has been approved and any action needed to keep the peace will be prepared. Also notifying that the plan has been left for Governor Russell for when he takes over.
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Letter from Edwards to M. H. Whetsell, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Whetsell for his support and empasizing that he does not have to follow the statement exactly as it is written, and thus is allowed to make changes based on what he deems appropriate.
Letter from Gantt to Registrar Vickery, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging reciept of Vickery's letter (May 9, 1961) stating no applications from any prospective transfer students have been processed. Also providing available times for when he could have a meeting with Clemson officials about his application, and to redirect correspondence to his Charleston address. Almost word for word letter from Fludd to Vickery on May 25.

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