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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "No One _ The Law #BLM No Justice No Peace #Resist"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "The Lord loves Justice Psalm 37:28" On back: "The Lord will fight for you and ye shall hold your Peace Exodus 14:14"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with multicolored drawing of raised fist.
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "The Lord loves Justice Psalm 37:28" On back: "The Lord will fight for you and ye shall hold your Peace Exodus 14:14"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Matter is the Minimum Black Lives are Worthy Black Lives are Beloved Black Lives are Needed" On back: "Do Justice & Righteousness, Deliver The Oppressed - Jer 22:3 Rayshard Brooks Robert Fuller George Floyd Breonna Taylor Ahmoud Arbery Sandra Bland Sean Reed Tamir Rice Eric Garner Weep with those who weep"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "if you're not Angry you're not paying Attention #BlackLivesMatter"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Black Lives Matter"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "No Justice No Peace David McAtee Tamir Rice Class of 2020 Freddie Gray George Floyd Sandra Bland Breonna Taylor Philando Castile"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "I Can't Breathe BLM BLM"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Black Lives Matter" On back: "Black Lives Matter"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "All Men are Created Equal; Right to Liberty, Right to Life"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Stop Killing Us"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Black Lives Are Worthy, Beloved, + Needed" On back: "Matter Is the Minimum"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Black Trans Lives Matter Justice For Riah Milton Dominique Fells Tony McDade Nina Pop Layleen Polanco Iyanna Dior" On back: #BlackTransLivesMatter #Asians4BlackLives #DefundThePolice #InvestInCommunities"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Hate is Heavy, Let it Go!"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "If You Are Neutral In Situations Of Injustice You Have Chosen the Side of the Oppressor!" On back: "BLM"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Speaking out isn't Left or Right it's Human" On back: " This Is Why We Work"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Say Their Names" with multiple names
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Black People Have Every Right To Burn Down A Country They Built For Free"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "One Bad Apple Spoils The Bunch"
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