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Trumpet fish (Centriscus heinrichi) Bob Campbell Geology Museum 20 million years old; Root casts.
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "White Silence = Violence" On back: "If You Support Clemson On Game Day, You Should Support Today"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Silence = Compliance BLM Clemson Family" On back: "We Will Not Be Quiet"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Defund Police Black Lives Matter" On back: "Invest In Communities"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "If This Upsets You, Stay Home For Football Season" On back: "If This Upsets You Stay Home For Football Season"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Black Lives Matter"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Silence Is Violence"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Speaking out isn't Left or Right it's Human" On back: " This Is Why We Work"
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Who Are We As Human Beings If We Ignore the Suffering of Others!"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "I Will Never Understand But I Stand"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "See the Stripes #BlackLivesMatter"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Black Lives Matter."
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Change Is Not Silent"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "No Justice No Peace"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: "Stronger Together Scan the barcode to view and sign the United Clemson petition to promote more proactive diversity & inclusive initiatives on campus"
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Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "The Blood Stains Show the Proof No More Innocent Lives Lost!" On back: Black Lives Matter!!" with drawing of heart
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "White Silence Equals Violence!" On back: "I'm Not Black But I See You I Hear You I Mourn With You I Will Stand With You" and drawing of heart
Unity March poster, 2020 June 13 Clemson University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Poster used during the Clemson University Football Team's Unity March held June 20, 2020 with the following text: On front: "Black Lives Matter" with drawing of raised fist On back: "If you are Neutral in situations of Injustice, you've chosen the side of the Oppressor #BLM" with drawing of raised fist

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About 270 Items