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Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Clipping from the Wall Street Journal regarding Ole Miss integration Clemson University Libraries Clipping from the Wall Street Journal about how students at Ole Miss are staying away out of fear and professors are threatening to leave.
Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Opinion for the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Finding of Fact, Conclusion of Law, and Opinion for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Plaintiff's Brief Statement for the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Plaintiff's Brief Statement for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Plaintiff's Brief Statement for the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Plaintiff's Brief Statement for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Reply Brief in Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction for the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
Rebel Underground - Vol. III, No. III Clemson University Libraries
Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case Clemson University Libraries Vol. II of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
The Truth... About the U.N., 1952 Clemson University Libraries
The Truth... About the U.N., 1952 Clemson University Libraries
The Truth... About the U.N., 1952 Clemson University Libraries
Letter from Gantt to Clemson College - Office of Admissions, July 1959 Clemson University Libraries Asking Clemson College to send him information about expenses, courses, and requirements as he was a high school student in Charleston interested in a degree in architecuture.
Letter from Berry to Gantt, July 1959 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that a catalog for Clemson College will be sent to him with all the entrance requirements and expenses. Also enclosed was and application card.
Letter from Gantt to Clemson College - Office of Admissions, November 1960 Clemson University Libraries Requesting Clemson to send him a bulletin for the 1960-61 school year and some applications for the Fall of 1961. Also requestings that this infomation be sent to him before November 20, 1960.
Letter from Berry to Gantt, November 1960 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that their supply of catalogs has been exhausted and Gantt may expect to recieve a copy of the new edition upon publication in April, 1961. An application card was also enclosed.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, January 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application to Clemson has been recieved, however, due to the South Carolina Regional Education Board paying for the difference in cost between in-state and out-of-state enrollment and Gantt's satisfactory progress at Iowa State University they returned his application.
Letter from Gantt to Vickery, February 1961 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he has been recieving help for the South Carolina Regional Education Board, but believes that since he is a citizen of South Carolina that he should be able to attend Clemson College and is returning his application to be processed.
Letter from Edwards to Senator Gressett concerning Gantt and Fludd, Feburary 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing the senator on the Hendrix, Gantt, and Fludd cases and how the college has handled them. Each case, Edwards consuled with Cooper, Senator Brown, and the college attorney. Talks about Senator Legare's letter to Senator Brown about how it would appear that the NAACP "plans to use Gantt and Fludd to test our segregation laws." He goes on to complement Gantt's academic ability and intelligence. He concludes the letter with three requirements of transfer students: "(a) present an honorable discharge from the institution last attended; (b) present an official transcsript of his record including entrance credits; and (c) present an official statement that he is eligible to return to the institution last attended. It is my opinion that Gantt could without doubt meet the admission requirements to Clemson College."
Letter from Edwards to Senator Gressett with Gantt and Fludd's applications, February1961 Clemson University Libraries Thanks the Senator for meeting with him, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Robinson. Attaches copies of Gantt and Fludd's applications.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, February 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application has been recieved and is being placed with the pending applications.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, February 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application has been recieved and is being placed with the pending applications.
Letter from Gantt to Vickery asking if his application has been processed, April 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowleding receipt of letter from Vickery on Feb 17 informing Gantt his application was received and is pending. Would like to know if his application has been fully processed.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that no application from any transfer students have been processed at this date and time.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that no application from any transfer students have been processed at this date and time.
Letter from Fludd to Registrar Vickery, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging reciept of Vickery's letter (May 9, 1961) stating no applications from any prospective transfer students have been processed. Also providing available times for when he could have a meeting with Clemson officials about his application, and to redirect correspondence to his Charleston address.
Letter from Gantt to Registrar Vickery, May 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging reciept of Vickery's letter (May 9, 1961) stating no applications from any prospective transfer students have been processed. Also providing available times for when he could have a meeting with Clemson officials about his application, and to redirect correspondence to his Charleston address. Almost word for word letter from Fludd to Vickery on May 25.
Letter from Vickery to Fludd, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging receipt of Fludd's May 25 letter. Lists requirements for application: "1. Satisfactory scores on the College Entrance Examination Board tests and forwarding scores. 2. Official transcript of academic record at current institution. 3. Statement from current institution that he is entitled to honorable discharge and eligible for return." Vickery writes that they have not received any of this material and to please send right away to be considered.
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Identical letter to Gantt as the one Vickery sent to Fludd on June 7
Letter from Vickery to Gantt, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Listing the necessary requirements in order for an application to be processed.
Receipt of letter regarding background checks on Fludd and Gantt, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Acknowledging receipt of letter from June 8, 1961. "A thorough check of all local police and court records has been made. We have not found any police records on either of the above named subjects [Fludd and Gantt]."
Letter with background information on Gantt and Fludd, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Attached letter with background information Watkins asked Director Todd (SC Probation Board) to obtain of Gantt and Fludd. Suggests Edwards check back with his sources to see if "these boys may have been in trouble at Orangeburg or some other point other than Charleston [probably referencing their sit in at a restaurant when they were arrested but but charges would be reversed in December 1961]."
Letter from Gantt to Vickery, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he is making an effort to complete all the necessary requirements without delay.
Letter from President Edwards to Governor Hollings informing him Gantt and Fludd have applied to Clemson, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informs Hollings that Gantt and Fludd have applied for admission to Clemson as transfer students. Asks if Hollings will ask SLED to "check their files to determine if either or both of these persons have criminal records of any kind or if they have ever been arrested."
Letter regarding Governor Hollings requesting forward of SLED investigation into Gantt and Fludd, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Governor Hollings asked Walker to forward Edwards the results of the SLED investigation into Gantt and Fludd. Walker advises Edwards of the confidential nature of SLED investigations and to "handle the encolsed report accordingly."
Letter from Edwards to Walker regarding SLED investigation report on Gantt and Fludd, July1961 Clemson University Libraries Thanks him for the report and is returning SLED investigation report to be retained at SLED as Attorney Watkins advised.
Letter from Edwards to Gressette regarding college board exam scores of Gantt and Fludd, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Edwards writes they have received college board exam scores for applicants who took the test on June 29 and neither Fludd nor Gantt were on the list of applicants. He states the next board exam is on August 9 and the scores wouldn't come in till early September. Clemson will not take any further action on their applications till scores are received. Coooper, Byrnes, Brown, D.W. Robinson, and attorney Watkins are CCed.
Letter from Watkins to Perry, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Watkins informs Matthew Perry, Gantt's attorney, that his office is representing Clemson. States that Gantt contacted Dean McClure on July 2nd, after the lawsuit was brought up, and that it wouild be "highly inappropriate" that there be any further consideration of Gantt's application while litigation is pending. All future communications between their respective clients should be done through attorneys.
Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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Letter from Office of Registrar at Clemson College to Gantt, August 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informing Gantt that his application for admission to Clemson for 1961-62 was incomplete and explaining that there would be no time for him to send in the necessary paper work by the time the semester starts.
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