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Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1996 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1963 Clemson University Libraries Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case, November 1984 Clemson University Libraries Continuation of Vol. I of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Taylor to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Urging Edwards to read an article about President Lincoln stating that the black population should remain segregated from the white population, and another article about a historian who admits to aiding the NAACP to fool the courts.
Letter from Burton to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Asking that Edwards will not tarnish the Clemson name over the Gantt case.
Letter from Edwards to Foster, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing the original application card of Harold Courtney Seigler, Jr., identified as Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 49 in Civil Action 4101
Letter from Johnston to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Attaching a newspaper clipping that states President Lincoln's opposing views of integration and urging Edwards to use the article during the Gantt case.
Letter from to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Envelope to Edwards, labeled Air Mail
Letter from Butt to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Urging Edwards not to let Clemson become like Old Miss.
Letter from Doar to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Attachment of a clipping from a Boston newspaper, and asking that Clemson show the world that there is another side to the South then that shown that Old Miss.
Letter from Worrilow to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a letter to Gov. Ross Barnett.
Letter from Robinson to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Robinson explains that the case has been ably presented and nothing he could have added would have bettered the presentation.
Letter from Bragg to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his faith in Clemson to remain peaceful and dignified throughout and after the Gantt trial.
Letter from Edwards to Horn, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Boosting that he believes they did a good job in proving that Gantt was not being discriminated against in his application, but explains that if Gantt is admitted he will be treated like very other student.
Letter from Steele to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards if he will do everything in his power to reach an affirmative decision.
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Letter from Steele to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards if he will do everything in his power to reach an affirmative decision.
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Letter from Rast to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Congradulating Edwards on how he is handling the Gantt case and expressing that only greatness and goodness should ever be associated with the name of Clemson.
Letter from Edwards to Watkins, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Edwards thanking Watkins for his excellet job on his presentation of defense in the Harvey Gantt suit against Clemson College.
Letter from Loughlin to Chuck Cooper, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his views that integration is Communistic inspired and that the Clemson Alumni News should publish this 'factural' information. The second page is missing.
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Letter from Loughlin to Chuck Cooper, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his views that integration is Communistic inspired and that the Clemson Alumni News should publish this 'factural' information. The second page is missing.
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Letter from Concerned Clemson Alumni to Clemson Man, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Urging Clemson students to protest against the intergration of Gantt as it is "Communism in action," but do not resort to violence as that is what the Commies want.
Letter from Lewis to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Encouraging Edwards to admitt Gantt as the rest of the world considers sergragation wrong and it could be an opprotunity for Clemson students to better educate themselves with different races and languages so that when they graduate they will be able to travel.
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Letter from Concerned Clemson Alumni to Clemson Man, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Stating that integration is communism in action and the Supreme Court cannot rule them as only the Constitution is the law of the land.
Letter from Lewis to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Encouraging Edwards to admitt Gantt as the rest of the world considers sergragation wrong and it could be an opprotunity for Clemson students to better educate themselves with different races and languages so that when they graduate they will be able to travel.
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Letter from Finn to Phil Finn, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Task Force Vol. 9 - No. 8, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Newsletter called Task Force, Vol. 9 - No. 8. Highlighted stories are about what Congress is paying tax-payers money on and how the NAACP is like the reverse Ku Klux Klan by paving the way for black people and Communists to take over America when the real minority are the Native Amercians.
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Letter from Risher to E. H. Robertson, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing concern over Clemson speaking out about the Gantt case in the "Concerned Clemson Alumni" as it may be picked up by the media and either cause panic and/or lead to tarnishing the name of Clemson.
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Letter from Risher to E. H. Robertson, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing concern over Clemson speaking out about the Gantt case in the "Concerned Clemson Alumni" as it may be picked up by the media and either cause panic and/or lead to tarnishing the name of Clemson.
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Letter from Smith to Edwards, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his concern that Clemson is on the verge of integreation and hopes Edwards will make the right decisions so Clemson does not turn out like Old Miss.
Letter from Experienced to Edwards, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Telling Edwards that if falls under the pressure of the media and admits Gantt that he will subject the South to a world of "rape, murder, mugging, dope, deserted streets."
Letter from to Edwards, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards.
Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1980 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Letter from Todd to Edwards, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Envelope to Edwards with lovely Christmas stamps.
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1977 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1969 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1983 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1963 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1965 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1968 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1970 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case, December 1971 Clemson University Libraries Defendants' Brief - Statement of the Facts of the Clemson v. Gantt case in the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina Anderson Division
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