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Clay bust of Jimmy Carter, circa 1978 Clemson University Libraries Davidson presented a bronze version of this bust to the Georgia Visitor Information Center in Plains, Georgia in 1978 to replace an earlier version he wasn't satisfied with.
Clay bust of Jimmy Carter, circa 1977 Clemson University Libraries A bronze version of this bust was presented to the Georgia Visitor Information Center in Plains, Georgia in 1977. Davidson replaced it with a different version in 1978.
Painting of Iranian landmarks, circa 1970 Clemson University Libraries Landmarks in Iran depicted include the dome and minaret of the Jameh Friday Mosque in Isfahan, stone carvings at Persepolis, and the tombs of Esther and Mordechai in Hamedan.
Painting of "Unknown Jewish Martyr," 1971 Clemson University Libraries Memorial of the Unknown Jewish Martyr, a public memorial and tomb in Paris, France, where ashes taken from concentration camps and the Warsaw Ghetto were deposited. Later part of the Shoah Memorial Holocaust museum.
Clay bas-relief portrait medallion of Mindi, David, Chuck and Bert Hardy next to reference photograph, circa 1973 Clemson University Libraries On medallion - (clockwise from top) Mindi, David, Chuck, Bert; Hardy (at bottom center); A.W.D. 1973 (bottom right)
Bust of André Smith, circa 1953 Clemson University Libraries Bust sculpted while A. Wolfe Davidson was in residence at The Research Studio, later known as the Maitland Art Center, an artists' colony in Maitland, Florida founded by Smith.
Bust of Robert G. Wilson, circa 1965 Clemson University Libraries Wilson was founder of the Barbecue King restaurant in Greenville, South Carolina and inventor of the world's first commercial rotisserie oven. Bust of John F. Kennedy seen in background.
A. Wolfe Davidson with clay bust of Jimmy Carter, circa 1978 Clemson University Libraries Davidson presented a bronze version of this bust to the Georgia Visitor Information Center in Plains, Georgia in 1978 to replace an earlier version he wasn't satisfied with.
A. Wolfe Davidson with clay bust of Jimmy Carter, circa 1978 Clemson University Libraries Davidson presented a bronze version of this bust to the Georgia Visitor Information Center in Plains, Georgia in 1978 to replace an earlier version he wasn't satisfied with.
Oil painting of Iranian landmarks, circa 1966 Clemson University Libraries Landmarks in Iran depicted include the dome and minaret of the Jameh Friday Mosque in Isfahan, stone carvings at Persepolis, and the tombs of Esther and Mordechai in Hamedan. On back - Iran.
Man in striped jacket with "Brotherhood of the Tiger" statue outside Littlejohn Coliseum on Clemson University campus Clemson University Libraries On statue base - That the Tiger's Roar May Echo O'er the Mountain Heights
Cast stone "The Good Shepherd" statue depicting Jesus with shepherd's crook in hand and lamb by his feet Clemson University Libraries Outdoors in front of a wall. Statue created in 1939. On back - Greenville Cemetery
Back of strip mall on Atlanta Highway Clemson University Libraries Snapshot taken by A. Wolfe Davidson of the back of a commercial strip mall on Atlanta Highway in Gainesville, GA. On back: Mss356_0868
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Three tier cast stone pagoda in outdoor setting Clemson University Libraries Sculpted by A. Wolfe Davidson and installed for a client living on West Paces Ferry Road in Atlanta, Georgia
Cast stone clown statue covered in snowy bushes in A. Wolfe Davidson's yard on Candler Street in Gainesville, Georgia Clemson University Libraries Probably in the back yard of A. Wolfe Davidson's family home on Candler Street in Gainesville, Georgia
A. Wolfe Davidson with clay model for "Brotherhood of the Tiger" statue, 1967 April 28 Clemson University Libraries Model is preliminary for A. Wolfe Davidson's "Brotherhood of the Tiger" aluminum statue commissioned by Tiger Brotherhood and installed in front of Clemson University's Littlejohn Coliseum in 1969.
Bronze bust of Stephen Decatur outside the MARTA station in downtown Decatur, Georgia, circa 1980 Clemson University Libraries Bust was commissioned by the Decatur (Georgia) Lions Club. Taken on day bust was dedicated.
Cast stone "The Good Shepherd" statue depicting Jesus with shepherd's crook in hand and lamb by his feet, 1939 Clemson University Libraries On back - For Greenville Cemetery, Globe Photo, Inc. Greenville, S.C., June 28 1939
"Tree of Liberty" sculpture in an exhibition, 1971 Clemson University Libraries Created in 1956. The Statue of Liberty holding up a small child instead of a torch, with other figures gathered around her. On base of sculpture - a portion of the poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus
Tiered display of seventeen busts, circa 1965 Clemson University Libraries Busts include: André Smith (bottom row, second from left); Byron Herbert Reece (second row, first from left); H.M. Robinson (second row, first from right); Abraham Lincoln (third row, third from left); Albert Einstein (third row, second from right); and John F. Kennedy (top row center).
Painting of "Unknown Jewish Martyr," 1966 Clemson University Libraries The Memorial of the Unknown Jewish Martyr, a public memorial and tomb in Paris, France, where ashes taken from concentration camps and the Warsaw Ghetto were deposited. Later part of the Shoah Memorial Holocaust museum. On back - The unknown Jewish Martyr, Paris; 40x48. 23
Hollywood Beach, Florida buildings and beach during a storm, circa 1947 Clemson University Libraries On back - WHEN THE WIND OCEAN is ROUGH AND THE WIND BLOWS.; I TOOK IT FROM WHERE I WORKED, THE LAST WINDOW IS WHERE I SLEEP.
Plaster molds and clay busts of Robert C. Edwards (left) and Frank Howard, circa 1967 Clemson University Libraries Steps in process of creating bronze busts for Clemson University where Edwards was president from from 1959 to 1979 and Howard was football coach and athletic director from the 1940s to 1960s.
Painting of "Unknown Jewish Martyr," circa 1970 Clemson University Libraries The Memorial of the Unknown Jewish Martyr, a public memorial and tomb in Paris, France, where ashes taken from concentration camps and the Warsaw Ghetto were deposited. Later part of the Shoah Memorial Holocaust museum. On back - Memorial Du Martyr Juif Inconnu Paris; UNKNOWN JEWISH MARTYR. PARIS 1976
"Tree of Liberty" sculpture in an exhibition, 1971 Clemson University Libraries Created in 1956. The Statue of Liberty holding up a small child instead of a torch, with other figures gathered around her. On base of sculpture is a portion of the poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus.
Clay bust of Solomon Blatt, Sr., circa 1978 Clemson University Libraries Likely preliminary for a bronze bust of Blatt created by A. Wolfe Davidson for the Solomon Blatt Office Building, part of the South Carolina State House complex in Columbia, South Carolina.
Clay bust of Solomon Blatt, Sr. next to reference photographs, circa 1978 Clemson University Libraries Likely preliminary for a bronze bust of Blatt created for the Solomon Blatt Office Building, part of the South Carolina State House complex in Columbia, South Carolina.
Plaster bust of Alexander S. Salley, circa 1935 Clemson University Libraries The bust was donated to the South Carolina Historical Society in 2005. Salley was the first secretary of the South Carolina State Historical Commission, a predecessor to the Historical Society.
A. Wolfe Davidson with busts in his studio, 1965 Clemson University Libraries Davidson is touching bust of James F. Byrnes. Back row, left to right - busts of Robert Mills, John F. Kennedy, O.C. Aderhold, Lewis Massey. Front row, left to right - busts of Alfred H. Holbrook, Rafe Banks, Bill Scholtz.
Painting of Roman landmarks, circa 1970 Clemson University Libraries Landmarks in Rome, Italy depicted include the exterior of the Coliseum and the Pantheon, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and a relief on the Arch of Titus showing a triumphal procession bearing the Menorah taken by Roman forces from the Temple of Jerusalem during its sacking in AD 70. On back - 1 - 5 x 7 Color A.W. Davidson
Painting of Roman landmarks, circa 1965 Clemson University Libraries Landmarks in Rome, Italy depicted include the exterior of the Coliseum and the Pantheon, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and a relief on the Arch of Titus showing a triumphal procession bearing the Menorah taken by Roman forces from the Temple of Jerusalem during its sacking in AD 70.
Clay bust of Melvin Jones next to reference photographs of Jones, 1949 Clemson University Libraries Part of process for making a bronze bust of Jones presented by the South Carolina delegation at the Lions Club International Convention in Madison Square Garden, New York in 1949. On back - Melvin Jones CLAY 1949
Bust of Robert G. Wilson, circa 1965 Clemson University Libraries Wilson was founder of the Barbecue King restaurant in Greenville, South Carolina and inventor of the world's first commercial rotisserie oven. Bust of John F. Kennedy seen in background. Bust of John F. Kennedy in background. On back - Mr. Wilson; Greenville, S.C.
Man in raised welder's helmet working on aluminum "Brotherhood of the Tiger" statue, 1968 December Clemson University Libraries A. Wolfe Davidson's "Brotherhood of the Tiger" aluminum statue was commissioned by Tiger Brotherhood and installed in front of Clemson University's Littlejohn Coliseum in 1969.
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Plaster model of obverse of Columbia, South Carolina Sesquicentennial commemorative half dollar Clemson University Libraries Depicts Lady Justice holding a sword and scales standing between South Carolina's old State House, built in 1790, and the new State House, completed in 1903. Inscribed on model - Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Capital Columbia South Carolina; Liberty; 1786-1936
Man in raised welder's helmet working on aluminum "Brotherhood of the Tiger" statue, 1968 December Clemson University Libraries A. Wolfe Davidson's "Brotherhood of the Tiger" aluminum statue was commissioned by Tiger Brotherhood and installed in front of Clemson University's Littlejohn Coliseum in 1969.
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Oil painting depicting scenes from the 1919 Russian Revolution, circa 1975 Clemson University Libraries Depicts figures and events in the Russian Revolution and subsequent civil war, including Karl Marx, Grigori Rasputin, Tsar Nicholas II, and Vladimir Lenin, as well as members of the Red Army with the date February 23rd, 1919 Red Army Day.
Oil painting depicting scenes from the 1919 Russian Revolution, circa 1980 Clemson University Libraries Depicts figures and events in the Russian Revolution and subsequent civil war, including Karl Marx, Grigori Rasputin, Tsar Nicholas II, and Vladimir Lenin, as well as members of the Red Army with the date February 23rd, 1919 Red Army Day.
Close up of bas-relief portrait medallion of A. Wolfe Davidson's daughter Edith and granddaughters Jennifer, Jessica and Johanna Burwinkle, circa 1971 Clemson University Libraries Depicts A. Wolfe Davidson's younger daughter Edith Burwinkle reading to her three children. Inscribed on medallion - Johanna / A. Wolfe Davidson, SC. 1971. Written on front - 14; Close-up - Daughter & Granddaughters
Full size bas-relief panel of Strom Thurmond, circa 1980 Clemson University Libraries In room with other artwork, including a smaller bas-relief panel of Strom Thurmond that is possibly a model or study for the larger work. The larger panel originally was created for the Strom Thurmond Federal Office Building in Columbia, South Carolina but never installed there. The larger panel was installed in Strom Thurmond High School in Edgefield, South Carolina in 2016.
Theodor Herzl (bust) Clemson University Libraries Sculpted clay bust of Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian Jewish writer and political activist, on a round wooden pedestal with the clay bust of Chaim Weizmann (on the right) and two other busts. Clay bust of Clemson University president Robert C. Edwards visible in left background; clay bust of US President Woodrow Wilson visible in right background. Photograph taken at A. Wolfe Davidson's home studio in Gainesville, GA. Image taken from a negative.
A. Wolfe Davidson with bronze bust of Gordon W. Blackwell in academic regalia with Furman University medallion around his neck, circa 1970 Clemson University Libraries Bust was created for Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina where Blackwell served as president. Paintings by A. Wolfe Davidson in background.
Ceramic bas-relief portrait medallion of Sherry and Larry Keaton, circa 1951 Clemson University Libraries Medallion presented to their father, Lions Club International Director-General R. Roy Keaton, by the Gainesville, Georgia Lions Club during his visit to the city in 1951. Inscribed on medallion - Sherry & Larry Keaton Gainesville, GA Lions Club 1951. On front - Keaton Children.
Back view of ceramic bust of Solomon Blatt, Sr., circa 1978 Clemson University Libraries Inscribed on sculpture - Solomon Blatt Barnwell South Carolina Member House of Representative For Forty Six Years and its Speaker for Thirty Three Years. Likely preliminary for a bronze bust of Blatt created by A. Wolfe Davidson for the Solomon Blatt Office Building, part of the South Carolina State House complex in Columbia, South Carolina.
Building on Atlanta Highway in Gainesville, Georgia used by A. Wolfe Davidson as a studio for working on cast-stone pieces and for the parade float-building business he ran with Charles Blackwood, circa 1960 Clemson University Libraries Parade float figure near cars. On back - Building on Atlanta Highway where floats were constructed 1958-1962; Burned in 1963.
Building on Atlanta Highway in Gainesville, Georgia used by A. Wolfe Davidson as a studio for working on cast-stone pieces and for the parade float-building business he ran with Charles Blackwood, circa 1960 Clemson University Libraries Door and windows are marked on building in pink crayon. Sign outside building - Home of Davidson Blackwood Inc. [illegible] Parades. The building was destroyed by fire in 1963.