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Letter, 1886 June 19, J. A. Holmes (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Sending list of questions about agricultural and geological surveys of Ruffin and Tuomey.
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Letter, 1859 August 16, Samuel Botsford Buckley (Naples, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Has been botanizing through eastern N.C., Ga., Ala. to New Orleans, up Miss. to St. Anthony's Falls. Especially interested in trees.
Letter, 1860 May 21, Thomas Green Clemson (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Asking Ravenel to write an article on grape culture, particularly in the south, for annual patent office report. Mentions Bermuda grass.
Letter, 1860 October 17, William Perrineau Finley (Aiken, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Ravenel has asked to buy some land from him in Edgefield. Finley will ride over in a day or so and confer.
Letter, 1856 September 24, J. B. Garber (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Asking for seeds or sprouts of the current tree. Sending seeds of a new lettuce from China, new Japan pea, and Concord grape.
Letter, 1857 June 11, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Will soon send specimens, wants Ravenel to meet him in Chatanooga. He and Ravenel are both going to retired. Mentions various friends.
Letter, 1857 June 11, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Will soon send specimens, wants Ravenel to meet him in Chatanooga. He and Ravenel are both going to retired. Mentions various friends.
Letter, 1856 May 1, Jean Francois Camille Montagne (Paris, France) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for 4 fascicle of Ravenel's Fungi Caro. Is reciprocating. Gives requested criticisms of them.
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Letter, 1855 July 5, Asa Gray (Cambridge, MA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Has named a plant for Ravenel, asking his approval. Gives his plans for work. Extends sympathy to Ravenel.
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Letter, 1868 December 13, F. W. Putnam (Salem, MA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Asking that Ravenel let the Naturalist act as agent for any books he wants to sell 20% commision.
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Letter, 1856 June 19, A. G. Summer (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Ravenel's offer of an article for the Agriculturist is gladly accepted. Wants a popularly written monthly article.
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Letter, 1855 September 25, Joseph Henry (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Has written to Prof. Buche to send Ravenel. specimens from Bangor, Maine. Offers help of the institutes system of exchange.
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Letter, 1850 January 16, Robert Wilson Gibbes (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Apparently replying to inquiry abot a box of specimens. Promises to inquire about his diploma of some academy.
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
Letter, 1856 March 16, George Engelmann (St. Louis, MO) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Identifying some plants sent to him from Ravenel several years ago. Asking many questions about a botanical family.
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Letter, 1872 September 2, George Vasey (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Ravenel has offered his collection for sale to the dept. The dept cannot buy it at present but will try for an appropriation for the next Congress.
Letter, 1849 March 30, William Starling (Columbus, OH) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Has named a plant after Ravanel, says mosses sent by Ravenel are interesting, wants more. Apparently was accompanied by a list.
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
Letter, 1857 June 25, Thomas Minott Peters (Mouton, AL) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Sorry to hear Ravenel and Dr. Curtis are retiring. Offers specimens, greatly desires V fascicle part of Ravenel's exsiccati.
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
Letter, 1869 June 29, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Thanks for specimens. Speaks of various photographs he has had taken. Asks if Ravenel is interested in Professorship at University of California or Washington College, Lexington, Virginia.
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
Letter, 1869 June 29, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Thanks for specimens. Speaks of various photographs he has had taken. Asks if Ravenel is interested in Professorship at University of California or Washington College, Lexington, Virginia.
Letter, 1869 June 9, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Will be glad to examine specimens collected by Ravenel in Texas. Offers to correspond and exchange in any department except fungi.
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Letter, 1886 May 13, R. K. Macadam (Boston, MA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Wants Ravenel's help in locating description of a number of species by "B and C," also pamphlets by B. and C. and Berkeley's "Notives of N. A. Fungi."
Letter, 1846 December 14, Ravenel Edmund (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of prehistoric shells found locally, uncrease of various sea animals attributed to Sullivan's Island Breakwater. Pleased that Ravenel is working on mosses.
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Letter, 1856 August 21, A. G. Summer (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Asking Ravenel. to send his ms. for the Sept. and Oct. nos. of the magazines as he must go to N.Y.
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Letter, 1869 July 2, Charles Christopher Parry (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Deptartment anxious to fill out its collection. Wants full set of plants from Ravenel's district. Glad to make business arrangements with Ravenel. Asks advice about botanizing in N.C.
Letter, 1869 July 2, Charles Christopher Parry (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Deptartment anxious to fill out its collection. Wants full set of plants from Ravenel's district. Glad to make business arrangements with Ravenel. Asks advice about botanizing in N.C.
Letter, 1859 August 16, Samuel Botsford Buckley (Naples, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Has been botanizing through eastern N.C., Ga., Ala. to New Orleans, up Miss. to St. Anthony's Falls. Especially interested in trees.
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Letter, 1853 September 26, Frans S. Holmes (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Invitation to visit him and examine Elliott's herbarium which has been given to the college. Has formed a Nat. Hist. Soc. in Charleston, wants Ravenel to be a member.
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 6 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1857 June 11, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Will soon send specimens, wants Ravenel to meet him in Chatanooga. He and Ravenel are both going to retired. Mentions various friends.
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Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1856 September 24, J. B. Garber (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Asking for seeds or sprouts of the current tree. Sending seeds of a new lettuce from China, new Japan pea, and Concord grape.
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Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope 2 recto Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
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Letter, 1869 July 2, Charles Christopher Parry (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Deptartment anxious to fill out its collection. Wants full set of plants from Ravenel's district. Glad to make business arrangements with Ravenel. Asks advice about botanizing in N.C.
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC). Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 5 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope 1 recto Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
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Letter, 1867 December 6, M. C. Cooke (London, England) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Ravenel has offered his collection for sale to Cooke. Cooke refuses to take it at $3 a hundred because he doesn't know what is in it. Will give ten pounds now and add ten pounds later if it turns out to be good.
Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
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