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About 490 Items

Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
Letter, 1869 June 29, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Thanks for specimens. Speaks of various photographs he has had taken. Asks if Ravenel is interested in Professorship at University of California or Washington College, Lexington, Virginia.
Letter, 1869 June 9, John Torrey (New York, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Will be glad to examine specimens collected by Ravenel in Texas. Offers to correspond and exchange in any department except fungi.
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Letter, 1886 May 13, R. K. Macadam (Boston, MA) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Wants Ravenel's help in locating description of a number of species by "B and C," also pamphlets by B. and C. and Berkeley's "Notives of N. A. Fungi."
Letter, 1846 December 14, Ravenel Edmund (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Discussion of prehistoric shells found locally, uncrease of various sea animals attributed to Sullivan's Island Breakwater. Pleased that Ravenel is working on mosses.
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Letter, 1856 August 21, A. G. Summer (Columbia, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Asking Ravenel. to send his ms. for the Sept. and Oct. nos. of the magazines as he must go to N.Y.
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Letter, 1869 July 2, Charles Christopher Parry (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries Deptartment anxious to fill out its collection. Wants full set of plants from Ravenel's district. Glad to make business arrangements with Ravenel. Asks advice about botanizing in N.C.
Letter, 1859 August 16, Samuel Botsford Buckley (Naples, NY) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Has been botanizing through eastern N.C., Ga., Ala. to New Orleans, up Miss. to St. Anthony's Falls. Especially interested in trees.
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Letter, 1853 September 26, Frans S. Holmes (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 3 Clemson University Libraries Invitation to visit him and examine Elliott's herbarium which has been given to the college. Has formed a Nat. Hist. Soc. in Charleston, wants Ravenel to be a member.
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 6 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 4 Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope 2 verso Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
Letter, 1856 April 14, M. F. Maury (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Plans for making meterological observations all over the country, coordinating them in Washington and publishing them widely. Trying to get an appropriation from Washington for the purpose.
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Letter, 1848 November 13, Benjamin Huger (Charleston, SC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC) Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Thanking for letter giving information for his son. Long discussion on effect of climate etc., on the salubrity of a country with reference to some disease (possibly fever).
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Letter, 1869 July 2, Charles Christopher Parry (Washington, DC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Deptartment anxious to fill out its collection. Wants full set of plants from Ravenel's district. Glad to make business arrangements with Ravenel. Asks advice about botanizing in N.C.
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC). Page 2 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
Letter, 1886 July 1, Kemp D. Battle (Chapel Hill, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Envelope 1 recto Clemson University Libraries University of N.C. has conferred degree of doctor of Laws on Ravenel. Draft of Ravenel's reply. Letter from J.A. Holmes saying that Ravenel was proposed by Thomas F. Wood.
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Letter, 1846 September 17, M. A. Curtis (Hillsborough, NC) to Henry William Ravenel (Aiken, SC), Page 1 Clemson University Libraries Advice on books to buy. Discussion of various authors. Says takes a long time to identify specimens. Methods of preserving specimens. Says low country has never been explored, obviously very glad to have Ravenel as associate (or disciple).
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