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Plow with tractor Clemson University Libraries Work - agronomy.
Poole Agricultural Center Clemson University Libraries Northwest-facing exterior shot of partially completed Poole Agricultural Center, with McAdams Hall and the clock tower of Tillman Hall in right background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1955]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries West-facing exterior shot of construction workers pouring concrete foundation for the Poole Agricultural Center, with prefabricated houses in the background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot showing the construction workers watching concrete being poured for the foundation of the Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of Poole Agricultural Center construction, showing soil being compacted in preparation for laying a concrete slab foundation. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries East-facing exterior shot showing steel support beams for the construction of the Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of construction workers placing wooden forms in preparation for pouring the concrete foundation for the Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of partially completed Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1955]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Southeast-facing exterior shot of Poole Agricultural Center under construction, with two water towers in background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1955]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of Poole Agricultural Center construction showing a construction worker with a steel beam. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot showing wooden forms places in preparation pouring the concrete foundation for the Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries West-facing exterior shot showing steel support beams for the construction of the Poole Agricultural Center, with prefabricated student housing in background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries South-facing exterior shot showing steel support beams for the construction of the Poole Agricultural Center, with the Isotope Laboratory (now the Endocrine Physiology Laboratory) in right background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of partially completed Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1955]
Poole Agricultural Center construction Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot showing construction workers laying rebar in preparation for pouring concrete foundation for Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1954]
Poole Agricultural Center construction cross section Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot showing three-story cross section of Poole Agricultural Center, taken during construction. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center construction]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1955]
Poole Agricultural Center parking lot Clemson University Libraries South-facing exterior shot of parking lot in front of Poole Agricultural Center, with building in background. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [1969]
Poole Agricultural Center, front exterior Clemson University Libraries Southwest-facing exterior shot of front of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: Plant and Animal Science BLDG.; R.F. Poole Ag. Center; [Pand;A Building]; [1957]
Poole Agricultural Center, front exterior Clemson University Libraries Southeast-facing exterior shot of the front of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [1969]
Poole Agricultural Center, front exterior Clemson University Libraries South-facing exterior shot of Poole Agricultural Center (right) and Newman Hall (left). Newman Hall shown prior to renovation. On back: [Poole and Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]; [c1955]
Poole Agricultural Center, front exterior Clemson University Libraries South-facing exterior shot of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole and Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]
Poole Agricultural Center, front exterior Clemson University Libraries Southwest-facing exterior shot showing part of the front of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]
Poole Agricultural Center, rear exterior Clemson University Libraries North-facing exterior shot of rear facade of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole and Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]
Poole Agricultural Center, rear exterior Clemson University Libraries North-facing exterior shot of rear facade of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Pand;A Building]; Plant and; Animal Science Bldg. Robert F. Poole Agricultural Center
Poole Agricultural Center, side Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of one of the side facades of Poole Agricultural Center. On back: [Poole and Agricultural Center]; [Plant and Animal Science Building]; [Pand;A Building]
Porch Ceiling, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot showing damage to porch ceiling at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Porch Post and Roof, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of front porch and rightmost porch post at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Porch Post, Daniel House Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of leftmost porch post at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Porch at Calhoun Mansion Clemson University Libraries Person sitting on side porch at Fort Hill.
Portrait of A. Wolfe Davidson's maternal uncle Hillel Hillman Clemson University Libraries On front - A. Makonski, Witebsk
Portrait of Charles Lilly Horn in Olin Hall Clemson University Libraries Ceramic engineering student Ronnie T. Hillhouse looking at a portrait of Charles Lilly Horn in the lobby of Olin Hall. On back: [Olin Hall]; Ceramic Eng.- Interior; [Portrait of Charles Lilley Horn bu Charles Mason Crowson, 1958]
Portrait of Edgar A. Brown Clemson University Libraries On back: [Edgar A. Brown]
Portrait of Edgar A. Brown by Grace Annette DuPre Clemson University Libraries UA100_1963; On Back: [portrait of Edgar A. Brown by Grace Annette DuPre, c1971] [oil on canvas portrait commissioned for the Edgar Brown Room in R.M. Cooper Library]
Portrait of George Banks, third base, Minnesota Twins, circa 1962-1964 Clemson University Libraries Photograph; portrait of George Banks, third base, Minnesota Twins, circa 1962-1964; native of Pacolet Mills and Spartanburg, S.C.; first cousin-in-law to R. Neal Campbell, Clemson University, class of 1943
Circa 1931
Portrait of H. W. Barre Clemson University Libraries On back: H. W. Barre [01-87]
Portrait of J.E. Wannamaker and Richard Newman Brackett Clemson University Libraries On back of photograph: Clemson College, S.C. September 14, 1929. Left: Hon. J.E. Wannamaker, the last survivor of the seven original Life Trustees appointed in the will of Thomas Green Clemson now chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina. Born September 12, 1851, therefore now 78 years old. Residence, Acolian Hill Farm, St. Matthews, S.C. Right: Richard Newman Brackett, the last serviving[surviving] member of the original Faculty of the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina in service. Born September 14, 1863, now 66 years old TODAY. Associate Prof. Chemistry 1893 to 1910. Director of the Chemical Department and Chief Chemist Fertilizer Analysis since 1911 (Acting Director and Chief Chemist 1910-1911).
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Portrait of James F. Byrnes Clemson University Libraries On back: PORTRAIT OF JAMES F. BYRNES which hangs in the Byrnes Room at the Clemson University Library was painted by Robert Brooks Childress of Hadlyme, Conn. Mr. Childress is a 1936 graduate of Clemson and native of Laurens, S.C. His painted illustrations have appeared on the covers of some of the nation's leading magazines. When Mr. Childress heard that Governor Byrnes was giving his personal papers and mementos to Clemson, he decided that a portrait of the eminent statesman would be the best gift he could give the University. Today, the portrait is one of the highlights of the Byrnes Room. (Clemson Newsphoto)
Portrait of Joe Jackson, circa 1917 Clemson University Libraries Photograph; portrait of "Shoeless" Joe Jackson wearing his Chicago White Sox uniform, 1917
Circa 1917
Portrait of Mark B. Hardin Clemson University Libraries Caption on photograph: Col. M.B. Hardin. On envelope: Mark Bernard Hardin
Portrait of Richard Newman Brackett Clemson University Libraries On back of photograph: Richard [Newman] Brackett. Chemistry Dept.
Portrait photograph of A. Wolfe Davidson Clemson University Libraries On front - These proofs are the property of Kislek Photographers, and are loaned to you for a reasonable period of time to make your decision and selection of poses. If not returned upon request, a charge will be made Kislek
Portrait photograph of A. Wolfe Davidson Clemson University Libraries
Portrait photograph of A. Wolfe Davidson Clemson University Libraries On front - These proofs are the property of Kislek Photographers, and are loaned to you for a reasonable period of time to make your decision and selection of poses. If not returned upon request, a charge will be made Kislek
Portrait photograph of Andrew Philip Montague Clemson University Libraries
Portrait photograph of Charles E. Daniel seated at desk, circa 1955 Clemson University Libraries Stamped on back - James G. Wilson, Jr.
Portrait photograph of Charles E. Daniel seated on desk, circa 1955 Clemson University Libraries On back - photograph by Guy Gillette - Brackman Associates, 424 Madison Ave. N.Y.C.
Portrait photograph of Charles E. Daniel with arms crossed, circa 1960 Clemson University Libraries On back - Camera Reflection by Chase Studios Ltd. Washington D.C.
Portrait photograph of Charles M. Manly Clemson University Libraries
Portrait photograph of David Ben-Gurion Clemson University Libraries
Portrait photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt Clemson University Libraries On front - Mr. O'Connor; Fiftieth Birthday Luncheon; illegible handwriting
Portrait photograph of James B. Edwards Clemson University Libraries
Portrait photograph of James C. Furman Clemson University Libraries
Portrait photograph of a United States Army soldier Clemson University Libraries Photograph; portrait of a United States Army soldier; First World War
Portrait photograph of three men Clemson University Libraries Halftone screen; portrait of three men posing; one man holding a guitar
Portrait photograph of three men posing on rocks Clemson University Libraries Photograph; portrait of three men posing on rocks
Post Office in Johnstone Hall Clemson University Libraries On back: [Johnston Hall interior]; Post Office; What will it be... a "sugar report," a check from home, or a "Dear John?"
Pottery on display at Lee Hall Gallery Clemson University Libraries On back: Lee Gallery
Poultry farm inspection, 1951 Clemson University Libraries
Poultry flock, 1941 Clemson University Libraries
Power House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Demolition of old Boiler Plant prior to construction of new dormitories, 1953] Littlejohn Collection Duplicate
Power House Clemson University Libraries On back: [Boiler Plant] Littlejohn Collection Duplicate
Power House smoke stack Clemson University Libraries South-west facing exterior shot of the smoke stack on the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 to make way for Johnstone Hall. On back: [Power plant]; Smoke Stack - Physical Plant
Power House, exterior Clemson University Libraries East-facing exterior shot of the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 in order to make way for Johnstone Hall. Photograph taken prior to construction of Barracks 10. On back: The College Power Plant; The Power Station; I pictures places bldgs power plant (old)
Power House, interior Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of a steam turbine and electrical generator in the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 to make way for Johnstone Hall. On back: [Power Plant]
Power House, interior Clemson University Libraries Interior shot of coal-fired boilers in the old power house, which was demolished in 1953 to make way for Johnstone Hall. On back: Mechanical Engineering 500 Horse Power in Boilers Power Plant
Power shovel excavating trench Clemson University Libraries
Pre-game meals in the Quad Clemson University Libraries On front: Pre-game Meals. ?; On back: Job Number 41510. Pg 364. POS 16. [01-87]
Prefab house, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of a prefab house. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Prefab house, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of a prefab house. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Prefab houses, aerial Clemson University Libraries Northeast-looking aerial photograph of prefab housing cluster known as Area A, located east of main campus where Littlejohn Coliseum now stands. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]; [c1948]; [aerial view]; [Fike Field House]
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Buildings - Prefabs
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back:
Prefab houses, exterior Clemson University Libraries Exterior shot of prefab houses. Originally built as temporary student housing post-WWII, some prefabs remained on campus until the 1980s. On back: Housing - Student; [Pre-Fabs]
Presentation of James C. Littlejohn bronze bust at dedication of Littlejohn Coliseum, 1969 February 22 Clemson University Libraries Left to right - A. Wolfe Davidson, Samuel M. Littlejohn, James P. Littlejohn, Wright Bryan, Mary Katherine Littlejohn, Robert C. Edwards
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