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Letter from Hall to Edwards, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that politicians aren't being Christianable and that they want big jokes and will do anything to get them.
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Letter from Hamlin to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Clemson on the excellent maturity shown in the admission of Gantt.
Letter from Harrell to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the 150th Anniversary Textile Industries magazine has devoted a major portion of its January 1963 issue to J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc.
Letter from Harrelson to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that he has talked with Biship Hardin about air conditioning the Episocopal Residence and that approximately $3,000.00 could be made available to fund the project.
Letter from Harries to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Showing her support and praying that Edwards will accomplish the Gantt situation with dignity.
Letter from Harris to Editors of the Evening Post, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Harris' letter to the Evening Post about "The Travesty of Integration" by Carl T. Rowan where she expresses that the black population is attempting to catapult their way into a world which took the white man thousands of years to build so that they may "spawn interracial romances" in order to reach salvation of their race.
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Letter from Harris to Editors of the Evening Post, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Harris' letter to the Evening Post about "The Travesty of Integration" by Carl T. Rowan where she expresses that the black population is attempting to catapult their way into a world which took the white man thousands of years to build so that they may "spawn interracial romances" in order to reach salvation of their race.
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Letter from Harris to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a letter she wrote the Evening Post about "The Travesty of Integraton" by Carl T. Rowan. She expresses her belief that American people have become prey to their own consitution, trying to be all things to all men, and that the country has become diseased with Communism.
Letter from Harris to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Clemson for the manner in which it has handled the enrollment of Gantt and expressing that he feels proud of the maturity and good judgement of South Carolina.
Letter from Hattaway to Clemson College Teachers, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that Clemson not assign Gantt any classes or a room and ignore him when he speaks.
Letter from Hattaway to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards from Nora Hattaway
Letter from Heard to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Attaching a clipping from the Pittsburgh paper and congratulating Clemson on how the Gantt situation was handled.
Letter from Hecher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing outrage over Kennedy sending troops to Old Miss and explaining that it is the Jewish who control the NAACP. Attached was clipping that explained why race-mixing is "stupid" and "unnatural" as it will lead to the down fall of white Christian America and Civilization.
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Letter from Hecher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing outrage over Kennedy sending troops to Old Miss and explaining that it is the Jewish who control the NAACP. Attached was clipping that explained why race-mixing is "stupid" and "unnatural" as it will lead to the down fall of white Christian America and Civilization.
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Letter from Hecher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing outrage over Kennedy sending troops to Old Miss and explaining that it is the Jewish who control the NAACP. Attached was clipping that explained why race-mixing is "stupid" and "unnatural" as it will lead to the down fall of white Christian America and Civilization.
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Letter from Hecher to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing outrage over Kennedy sending troops to Old Miss and explaining that it is the Jewish who control the NAACP. Attached was clipping that explained why race-mixing is "stupid" and "unnatural" as it will lead to the down fall of white Christian America and Civilization.
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Letter from Hendrix to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Former students explaining what he had been reading about Gantt's two year transfer and expressing his concern that Clemson not take similar actions to that of Old Miss.
Letter from Hendrix to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Commending Clemson for their superb handling of the media.
Letter from Herbert to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Assuring his prayers and best wishes for Clemson after hearing a telecast about the Gantt case.
Letter from Heyward to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Showing his support for Clemson's stance on segregation and hoping that America will realize the 'danger' that is before the country.
Letter from Hoke to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to follow the law and not tarnish the Clemson name like Mississippi had done to itself.
Letter from Holland to President of Clemson College, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Envelope to the President of Clemson College from Ethel S. Holland
Letter from Holland to Whom it may concern, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Extended letter from Holland with a list of bible verses and what it says on segregation.
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Letter from Holland to Whom it may concern, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries A letter to Clemson with a clipping of a prayer attached. Holland expresses her concerns about Clemson being intergrated as it will lead to 'interbreeding' and she refers to the black population as children that just want more and more with the more they get.
Letter from Holland to Whom it may concern, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Extended letter from Holland with a list of bible verses and what it says on segregation.
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Letter from Holland to Whom it may concern, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Extended letter from Holland with a list of bible verses and what it says on segregation.
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Letter from Hollings to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that Edwards plan has been approved and any action needed to keep the peace will be prepared. Also notifying that the plan has been left for Governor Russell for when he takes over.
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Letter from Hollings to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that Edwards plan has been approved and any action needed to keep the peace will be prepared. Also notifying that the plan has been left for Governor Russell for when he takes over.
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Letter from Holman to Gourlay (Clemson Librarian), March 1963 Clemson University Libraries Sending Gourlay a copy of the Rebel Undergeround in order add to the Clemon archives.
Letter from Holmes to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Telegram expressing that Holmes is thinking of Clemson and blessing him.
Letter from Holt to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Pledging the University of South Carolina Chapter of the AAUP's cooperation with Clemson's efforts to insure a peaceful integration.
Letter from Hopkins to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing their belief that their father, who was a chairman of the Board at Clemson, would endorse Edwards policy to prevent a crisis at Clemson with the admisson of Gantt if he were alive.
Letter from Horn to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Apologizing for the trouble that Edwards is facing with Gantt trying to be admitted into Clemson.
Letter from Howick to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that Gantt and every POC deserves the right to an equal education, as they are better Americans for it and have a soul equal in God's sight.
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Letter from Howick to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing that Gantt and every POC deserves the right to an equal education, as they are better Americans for it and have a soul equal in God's sight.
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Letter from Hunter to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his concern that a good portion of campus has been blocked off to people without I.D. cards and to the physicians who might need to move about the campus.
Letter from Hydrick to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his approve for Edwards conduct during the Gantt situation and confidence that he will not let the "Red" win.
Letter from I like my job to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Urging Clemson to refuse Gantt's admission by simply telling the court that Clemson will refuse to grant a degree to any one entering the college by force and that the court should issue Gantt is degree, just so long as the Clemson name is not associated.
Letter from Ingalls to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Clemson for how it has handled the integration issue and explaining that he thinks the whole problem could be solved if the government would just upgrade the black schools to the quality of that of white schools.
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Letter from Ingalls to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Clemson for how it has handled the integration issue and explaining that he thinks the whole problem could be solved if the government would just upgrade the black schools to the quality of that of white schools.
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Letter from James R. Chavez to Edwards, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing an article about Oxford so Clemson can prepare for their on integration.
Letter from James to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Extending their commendations for the statesmanlike and Christian manner in which Edwards has handled the Gantt affairs.
Letter from James to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Urging Edwards to encourage staff to make Gantt's stay at Clemson as uncomfortable as possible so that the Clemson students will not be 'brainwashed' into accepting him.
Letter from Joe Sherman to SC Daily Newspaper regarding Civil Action 4101, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the attorneys for the Plaintiff in Civil Action 4101 have filed in the Western District Court of South Carolina notice of appeal from the Order issued by Judge C.C. Wyche denying the Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction against Clemson College. Also the NAACP attorneys in New York have filed a Notice of Motion for Order Advancing Date of Hearing Appeal From Denial of Preliminary Injunction and for Injunction Pending Appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Fourth District, Richmond, Virginia.
Letter from John Smith to G.E. Metz and H.G. Moody, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Phone call concerning the Gantt case where "Mr. Smith" expressing his opinion that the administration and the Board of Trustees are traitors and have "sold out the South."
Letter from Johnson to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Telegram honouring and commending Edwards on his actions and pledging his support.
Letter from Johnson to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Congratulating Clemson of the splendid manner in which it handled the Gantt situation.
Letter from Johnson to Edwards, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Saying that Clemson has an opprotunity to exert the reassurance of justice and tolerance and asking if it will fail.
Letter from Johnston to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Attaching a newspaper clipping that states President Lincoln's opposing views of integration and urging Edwards to use the article during the Gantt case.
Letter from Kalmbach to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Simply stating that Edwards was great.
Letter from Kaplow to Edwards, March 1963 Clemson University Libraries Applauding Edwards for doing a good job of working coverage out with the press.
Letter from Keiter to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that the absence of unruly demonstrations shows the maturity of the Clemson student body and the efficiency and determination of the law enforcement organizations.
Letter from Kellett to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Telegram encouraging peaceful admission of Gantt in order to keep Clemson great.
Letter from Kenneth H. to President of Clemson College, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Lettering urging Clemson to resist integration to the end.
Letter from Killingsworth to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Showing her support for Edwards by saying that he can handle the Gantt situation and that he is in her thoughts and prayers.
Letter from Kinard to Edwards, December 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his hope that if Gantt is admitted he will be so without incident.
Letter from King to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that Edwards has the right to prevent news agitators for entering Clemson campus and Georgia Tech had done when they were forced to integrate, and because of this they no longer have any black students in their school.
Letter from Kirkpatrick to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries President of King's College apologizing for the actions of his students appearing on Clemson campus late at night with no justifable reasons. He explains that the students have been suspeneded for a week and expressing his hope that they did not increase any of the pressure that were currently present at Clemson.
Letter from Kline to Edwards, October 1962 Clemson University Libraries Writing as a member of a prayer group to say Clemson is in their prayers.
Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from LaRue to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing what she read in an article about Old Miss and expressing her opinion that Governor Barnett should have talked to the Kennedys and stood against the integration with his protesting students.
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Letter from Lamm to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Clemson for how it has acted during Gantt's admission.
Letter from Landers to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Suggesting that everyone leave the school when Gantt tries to attend as if there isn't any school then he cannot attend.
Letter from Lawrence to Editors, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Accusing Clemson of adding to the humilation of South Carolina during the integration of Gantt by allowing him to have publicity and explaining that the South could have won the 'integration war' if they had stood together instead of 'pointing the finger' at each other in order to win the 'bully's' favour.
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Letter from Lawrence to Editors, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Accusing Clemson of adding to the humilation of South Carolina during the integration of Gantt by allowing him to have publicity and explaining that the South could have won the 'integration war' if they had stood together instead of 'pointing the finger' at each other in order to win the 'bully's' favour.
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Letter from Lawrence to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards.
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Letter from Lawrence to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Envelope addressed to Edwards.
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Letter from LeMaistre to Edwards, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Thanking Edwards for meeting with them and explaining that they are beginning a program "similar to the one discussed with us and Mr. Cauthen."
Letter from Lewis to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Encouraging Edwards to admitt Gantt as the rest of the world considers sergragation wrong and it could be an opprotunity for Clemson students to better educate themselves with different races and languages so that when they graduate they will be able to travel.
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Letter from Lewis to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Encouraging Edwards to admitt Gantt as the rest of the world considers sergragation wrong and it could be an opprotunity for Clemson students to better educate themselves with different races and languages so that when they graduate they will be able to travel.
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Letter from Linke to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to allow Gantt and other black men to enjoy the benefits of education and the kind guidance which may allow them to become a credit to themselves, their college, and the United States.
Letter from Lisry to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to stand against the Supreme Court as a Christian as it says in the Bible that integration is wrong and God's people should never mix.
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Letter from Lisry to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to stand against the Supreme Court as a Christian as it says in the Bible that integration is wrong and God's people should never mix.
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Letter from Lisry to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Asking Edwards to stand against the Supreme Court as a Christian as it says in the Bible that integration is wrong and God's people should never mix.
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Letter from Loughlin to Chuck Cooper, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his views that integration is Communistic inspired and that the Clemson Alumni News should publish this 'factural' information. The second page is missing.
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Letter from Loughlin to Chuck Cooper, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his views that integration is Communistic inspired and that the Clemson Alumni News should publish this 'factural' information. The second page is missing.
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Letter from Lowe to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing how proud he is of Clemson for how it has been preparing for Gantt's arrival and volunteering his help.
Letter from Lumpkin to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Commeding Edwards for the dignified and masterful manner in which he has approached and handled the Gantt situation.
Letter from Lynn to Earle Morris, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Warning Edwards of a threat he had heard of a group of Clemson boys who pledged that if Gantt was admitted to Clemson he would "never life to finish."
Letter from Magill to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Urging Edwards to keep the peace when Gantt is integrated.
Letter from Marchese to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing gratitude to Clemson for the wonderful way in which it handled the registration of Gantt.
Letter from Martin to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Postcard accusing Edwards of helping the International Communist Conspiracy in the gradual takeover over of the great Republic by not fighting back against the courts decree to allow Gantt to attent Clemson.
Letter from Martin to Edwards, Clemson University Libraries Postcard accusing Edwards of helping the International Communist Conspiracy in the gradual takeover over of the great Republic by not fighting back against the courts decree to allow Gantt to attent Clemson.
Letter from Martin to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Giving his support, and the support of various church groups in South Carolina, towards Edwards struggle with the race relations facing South Carolina at the time. Explaining that they are planning to issue a statement with their signatures when the case has been completed by the courts.
Letter from McCahan to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcard explaining that he approves of Edwards methods to remain peaceful and dignifed during Gantt's admission.
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Letter from McCahan to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Postcard explaining that he approves of Edwards methods to remain peaceful and dignifed during Gantt's admission.
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Letter from McEachin to Wilson, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a statement for his fee connected to the Gantt case.
Letter from McEachin to Wilson, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a statement for his fee connected to the Gantt case.
Letter from McEachin to Wilson, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosing a statement for his fee connected to the Gantt case.
Letter from McEachin to Wilson, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Statement of $1,000.00
Letter from McEachin to Wilson, February 1963 Clemson University Libraries Statement of $1,000.00
Letter from McKeown to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Showing his appreciation for Edwards stand against Gantt and offering his support as a Christian, Southernor, graduate of The University of South Carolina, and a State employee.
Letter from McLaurin to Edwards, November 1962 Clemson University Libraries Urging Clemson to accept any qualified black person with little to no publicity, as times have changed and people must learn to change with it.
Letter from McLeod to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosed is the plan of action prepared by Strom, Thompson, and Weedon.
Letter from McLeod to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosed bill of the the testimony in the Gantt case on January 9, 1952.
Letter from McLeod to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Enclosed bill of the the testimony in the Gantt case on January 9, 1952.
Letter from McLeod to Edwards, June 1963 Clemson University Libraries Letting Edwards know that the Deficiency Appropriations Act provided $40,000.00 for payment of the Clemson expenses incurred in the Gantt case.
Letter from McMeekin to Edwards, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Expressing his support and that he is proud of Clemson for how it has handled the Gantt situation.
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