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Rendering, Schilletter Dining Hall and Manning Hall Clemson University Libraries On front of image: High rise residence hall no. one and east campus cafeteria, Hallman and Weems, Architects and Landscape Architects. Black and white architectural rendering of Schilletter Dining Hall, Manning Hall, and surrounding landscape On back: [Manning Hall]; [Schilletter Dining Hall]; High Rise Residence Hall No. 1 and East Campus Cafeteria
Letter from Cauthen to Georage A. LeMaistre, April 1963 Clemson University Libraries Discussing of the burst of violence that occurred in Mississippi and that it may have been prevented if business people acted sooner. In order to prevent such a thing from occuring in Alabama, a list of nine precautions are listed in order to keep the peace and keep frederal troops from flying in. Among these things appear to suggest going against the Governor is he does not do an adequate job of keeping things calm, but keeping him in good favour until then.
Barracks No. 2, Barracks No. 1, and Main Building Clemson University Libraries On back: From left to right, the second barracks, the old or first barracks, and the main building (Tillman Hall), all covered in snow.
Student Studying in Johnstone Hall B/C Dorm Room Clemson University Libraries South-facing interior shot of male student studying in his dorm room in Johnstone Hall B/C (now demolished). Cope Hall is visible through the windows. Photo taken before windows were replaced in the late 1960s. On back: [dorm interior] Student studying; Clemson News Bureau, photo by William D. Cromer
Letter from Edwards informing Vickery to take no action on Gantt and Fludd's application letters, February 1962 Clemson University Libraries Asking Vickery to hold the letters from Gantt and Fludd in Dec 1961 in his files. Clemson will take no action regarding the applications nor will they acknowledge receipt of them. They won't take any action unless further communications are received.
Martin Hall and Kinard Hall beyond the Library Reflection Pond Clemson University Libraries UA100_2063; On Back: [Martin Hall] [1966] [Kinard Hall] [R.M. Cooper Library Reflection Pond]; 9/24/66 ONE OF THE MOST PICTURESQUE scenes on the Clemson University campus is the reflection pool in front of the Robort Muldrow Cooper Library. The pool is functional as well as beautiful. It provides the cooling water required to air condition the giant English-Mathmatics-Physics Complex (in background) as well as the library, chemistry building, Hardin Hall and Olin Hall.
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Letter from Edwards to presidents of other White colleges in SC regarding Clemson's response to Gantt's legal action, July 1962 Clemson University Libraries Edwards forwarding copies of the "summons, complain, and motion for preliminary injuction contained in Civil Action #4101", and Clemson's answer. Writes that the receipients will be interested in the letters attached as exhibits. His intent with this letter is to give the presidents time (Clemson's answer wouldn't be public for another two days) to discuss the contents with their own faculty and admin staff.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers homecoming display in front of Chemistry Building Clemson University Libraries Located at Chemistry building (current Brackett Hall), Hardin Hall in background.On back: Homecoming-1960 (vs UNC), ASME display. Stamped: Nov 5 1960.
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Letter from Edwards to Members of the Clemson Board of Trustees, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Notifying that Mr. Watkins is forwarding the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals a Petition requestiong a stay of the Order dated Junary 16 directing Judge Wyche to issue the Injunction described in the Opinion of the Circuit Court of Appeals dated January 16. Also adding that the legal steps contemplated have been concurred in unanimously by Governor Donald S. Russell, James F. Byrnes, Senator Edgar A. Brown, and Attorney General Dan McLeod.
Daniel Hall and Kinard Laboratory of Physics, With Cooper Bridge in Front Clemson University Libraries Exteior Daniel Hall with stairs and bridge connecting to Kinard Physics Laboratory. Cooper Library bridge visible in foreground; Clemson House (including signage) visible in left background. On back: [Daniel Hall, 1969]; [01-87]
Architectural Rendering of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower Clemson University Libraries Architectural rending of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower, with Cooper Library on left. Rendering by Lafaye, Lafaye, and Associates. On back: "D. W. DANIEL" BUILDING -- the; Arts and Sciences Classroom building; with office tower in foreground. (Corner; of Library shows in left foreground  ); [ca.1967]; [SERIES 12 D.W. Daniel Hall Construction]
Student Sitting at Check In Desk in Low Rise Dormitory Clemson University Libraries Female student relaxing in a chair with her feet up on the check-in desk at Barnett Hall. A board with visitor logs for each dorm room hangs on the wall behind her. On back: [Low Rise dormitories, interior]; TAPS 74 p.54 Barnett Hall; Student Scene
Bowman Field and Tillman Hall Clemson University Libraries On back: 9/24/66; Tillman Hall was the complete Clemson at the outset when classes first met with a faculty of 15 members and 446 students on July 7, 1893. The first class graduated in 1896. Today the historic structure houses the office of Chief administrator, President Robert C. Edwards, other administrative offices and the Clemson University detachment of the U.S. Air Force ROTC. The life-size statue of Clemson founder, Thomas G. Clemson, occupies a prominent place at the main entrance of the building, which is named for Governor Benjamin R. Tillman who championed state sponsorship for the institution in 1888. A new statue of Clemson, cast in bronze, will soon replace the original cast in stone and put in place 30 years ago.
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Daniel Hall and Strode Tower Under Construction Clemson University Libraries East-facing view of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower under construction, including parking lot; Manning Hall and Lever Hall visible in background. On back: Left, D.W. Daniel Hall (4-story classroom) ; rt-10 story office tower for faculty (Use this Pix); Daniel Hall 6; Scale 37'W
Barracks no. 4-7 Clemson University Libraries On left front: Barracks no. 6, Barracks No. 4 facing it, with No. 5 behind No. 4 and No. 7 behind No. 6. On front: Green's Studio Anderson S.C.; On back: Dormitory. . Barracks - (A) New Barracks - 1937
Building on Atlanta Highway in Gainesville, Georgia used by A. Wolfe Davidson as a studio for working on cast-stone pieces and for the parade float-building business he ran with Charles Blackwood, circa 1960 Clemson University Libraries Door and windows are marked on building in pink crayon. Sign outside building - Home of Davidson Blackwood Inc. [illegible] Parades. The building was destroyed by fire in 1963.
Busts and writings of Edgar A. Brown in Edgar Brown Room in R. M. Cooper Library Clemson University Libraries UA100_1948; On Back: [Edgar Brown Room in R.M. Cooper Library] [c1971]; Three rear-lit marble panels with excerpts from the Senator's speeches and writings flank the life-size bust of Sen. Brown by sculpture Julian H. Harris
Agricultural Hall, Main Building, Textile Building and Bowman Field Clemson University Libraries On back: [c1923] [Tillman Hall] [Godfrey Hall] [Textile Building] [Sikes Hall] [Agricultural Hall] [Bowman Field]; Agric. Hall, left Tillman, center Textile, right
Letter from Edwards to Watkins regarding identical letters from Gantt and Fludd, September 1961 Clemson University Libraries Sends Gantt and Fludd letters from Sept 15 and Sept 20 noting that they are nearly identical. Edwards spoke with Senator Brown as to how to respond and decided that they should respond within the next few days telling the two students that letters were sent out August 31 stating the status of their incomplete applications and a copy of the admission policy. Senator Brown advised making the letters as brief as possible and only include the necessary information concerned.
Letter from Edwards to Members of the Clemson Board of Trustees, January 1963 Clemson University Libraries Explaining that Judge Sobelof will be seeing Mr. Watkins on the morning of January 21. Attachment of an Application for Stay of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in the Supreme Court of the United States. Also notifying that a meeting will be taking place at 9:30 am at the Wade Hampton Hotel on January 24.
Parking Lot in Front of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower During Construction Clemson University Libraries Parking lot in front of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower. Kinard Laboratory of Physics visible in left background. Note presence of construction materials and construction worker halfway up Strode Tower. On back: [Daniel Hall, 1969]
Aerial view of Manning Hall, Redfern construction Clemson University Libraries On back: Manning Hall; [High Rise dorm]; [ca. 1967]; Clemson News Bureau Photo by Charles Haralson Shows construction work for Lever Hall (bottom left), Schilletter Dining Hall (partly hidden by Manning), and Redfern Health Center. The Agricultural Engineering Building (later McAdams Hall) and Newman Hall stand in background.
Letter from Edwards to Clark attaching a copy of a court order regarding Civil Action 4101, September 1962 Clemson University Libraries Attachment of a copy of the Opinion and Order from Judge C.C. Wyche for the Western District of South Carolina in Civil Action 4101 in which he sets forth his reasons for denying the Motion of Harvey B. Gantt for a Preliminary Injunction. Also copies of the Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Advancing Date of Hearing Appeal from Denial of Preliminary Injunction and Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal.
Bridge Between Daniel Hall and Strode Tower Clemson University Libraries Night shot of bridge between Daniel Hall and Strode Tower, taken by Clemson undergraduate J. Patrick Bruening. On back: J. PATRICK BRUENING BOX 2489 CLEMSON UNIVERSITY CLEMSON, S.C. 29631; Camera - Yashica Mat 124; Film - Tri-x; 6 sec. at f 32; A walkway between 2 buildings on campus, and some streetlights and f 32 to get the "starbursts." [n.d.]; [01-87]
A. Wolfe Davidson (standing right) and others watch unveiling of bust of Jesse Dickson Jewell, circa 1951 Clemson University Libraries A. Wolfe Davidson (far right) and Jesse Dickson Jewell (fourth from right) posing with a bronze bust of Jewell at its unveiling at a dinner in the Gainesville, Georgia Civic Building. Bust was created for Georgia Poultry Hall of Fame.
Architectural rendering of Holmes and McCabe Halls Clemson University Libraries On back: [Holmes Hall];[McCabe Hall]; ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING of new Johnstone buildings on Clemson campus to be completed in 1993.; CLEMSON UNIVERISTY DEPARTMENT OF NEWS SERVICES TRUSTEE HOUSE CLEMSON SC, 29634-5606; Library Copy; on front of rendering: copyright Doug Sherley 1989
Etca Ramsaur holding cloth from unveiling bust of James F. Byrnes by A. Wolfe Davidson as others watch, 1965 May 1 Clemson University Libraries Byrnes is depicted wearing United States Supreme Court justice robe. Presentation took place during a luncheon celebrating James F. Byrnes' 86th birthday and James F. and Maude Busch Byrnes' 59th wedding anniversary at the Wade Hampton Hotel in Columbia, SC.
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Letter from Edwards to Gressette regarding college board exam scores of Gantt and Fludd, July 1961 Clemson University Libraries Edwards writes they have received college board exam scores for applicants who took the test on June 29 and neither Fludd nor Gantt were on the list of applicants. He states the next board exam is on August 9 and the scores wouldn't come in till early September. Clemson will not take any further action on their applications till scores are received. Coooper, Byrnes, Brown, D.W. Robinson, and attorney Watkins are CCed.
Letter from President Edwards to Governor Hollings informing him Gantt and Fludd have applied to Clemson, June 1961 Clemson University Libraries Informs Hollings that Gantt and Fludd have applied for admission to Clemson as transfer students. Asks if Hollings will ask SLED to "check their files to determine if either or both of these persons have criminal records of any kind or if they have ever been arrested."
A. Wolfe Davidson (left) and Solomon Blatt, Sr. in front of bronze bust of Blatt in the South Carolina State House on the day of bust dedication ceremony, 1979 June 29 Clemson University Libraries The bust later was placed in the Solomon Blatt Office Building, part of the South Carolina State House complex in Columbia, South Carolina.
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Laying Concrete Walkway in Front of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower Clemson University Libraries View of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower with parking lot in front, still under construction. Cement truck and construction workers visible, laying concrete for a walkway. On back: SPECIAL TO THE S.C. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (Written 5-1-69--ML/vm); cutlines for pix of D.W. Daniel Hall; FUTURE HOME OF ARTS AND SCIENCES--Clemson University's growing student body will have additional modern classrooms and laboratory facilities when this four-story building and 10-story office tower is completed this year. Named David Wistar Daniel Hall in memory of the late dean emeritus of Clemson's former School of General Science, the $1.9-million project is located near the R.M. Cooper Library and the Kinard Laboratory of Physics.; (Clemson Newsphoto); END
Robert C. Edwards, A. Wolfe Davidson, James F. Byrnes and Roger C. Peace (left to right) with bust of Byrnes, 1965 May 1 Clemson University Libraries Byrnes is depicted in United States Supreme Court justice robe. Taken after presentation of Davidson's bust of Byrnes during a luncheon celebrating James F. Byrnes' 86th birthday and James F. and Maude Busch Byrnes' 59th wedding anniversary at the Wade Hampton Hotel in Columbia, SC.
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Ceramic bust of André Smith partially removed from plaster mold at The Research Studio artists' colony in Maitland, Florida, circa 1953 Clemson University Libraries Smith was the founder of The Research Studio where Davidson was artist in residence. Attached to front - Half of the mould is removed. The piece of cloth shown from the inside is a part of a damp cloth inserted to keep casting from drying too fast.
Daniel Hall and Strode Tower Under Construction, View from Cooper Library Bridge Clemson University Libraries East-facing view of Daniel Hall and Strode Tower from bridge in front of Cooper Library. Note presence of construction materials and construction worker halfway up Strode Tower. On back: [Daniel Hall, 1969]; PHOTOGRAPH BY; TOM SHOCKLEY; 69 13-F
Student couple in front of Fort Hill Plantation Clemson University Libraries East-facing exterior shot of student couple on stairs leading to courtyard between Benet Hall and Young Hall, with Fort Hill Plantation in the background. On back: [Shoeboxes dorms grounds]; Campus Scenes by Larry Owens 9A
A. Wolfe Davidson with bronze bust of Jimmy Carter at Georgia Visitor Information Center in Plains, Georgia, 1977 Clemson University Libraries Davidson was not satisfied with this bust and replaced it with a different version in 1978. On back - HI! Enjoyed meeting you at the Ga. Chicken cooking contest held in Plains, Ga - a few weeks ago. Look us (Posey and me) up whenever you are "our way." Here is a picture (I had this copy made for you) - very similar to the one in the newspaper. Don't spill your coffee on your sox!! Joanne Mams ... Marietta, Ga.
Trees and Walkway in Front of Young and Cope Hall Clemson University Libraries North-facing exterior shot of trees, walkway, and bike rack in front of Young Hall and Cope Hall. Johnstone Hall B/C (now demolished) visible in right background, shown after its windows were replaced in the late 1960s. On back: [Shoeboxes dorms] Campus Scenes by Larry Owens 7A
Aerial view of Manning Hall with Schilletter Dining Hall and Lever Hall under construction Clemson University Libraries On back: Manning Hall; [ca. 1967]; [construction of Lever Hall]; Clemson News Bureau Photo by Charles Haralson Includes view of central campus, as well as the Hospital.
Exterior, Low Rise Dormitories Clemson University Libraries Northwest-facing exterior shot of parking lot in front of the low rise dormitories (from left to right): Mauldin Hall, Barnett Hall, and Smith Hall. On back: Residence Hall;[Low Rise dormitories];L-R Mauldin Hall, Barnett Hall, Smith Hall
Kinard Hall and Martin Hall view from library bridge Clemson University Libraries On back: [Kinard Hall] [Martin Hall] [1966]; 9/24/66 ONE OF THE MOST PICTURESQUE scenes on the Clemson University campus is the reflection pool in front of the Robert Muldrow Cooper Library. The pool is functional as well as beautiful. It provides the cooling water required to air condition the giant English-Mathematics-Physics Complex (in background) as well as the library, chemistry building, Hardin Hall, and Olin Hall.
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Season's Greetings card showing A. Wolfe Davidson (right) and wife Katherine Davidson next to a truck camper in front their house on Candler Street in Gainesville, Georgia, circa 1970 Clemson University Libraries On front - Season's Greetings Abe & Katherine Davidson. On back - Here are the would be vagabonds. Maybe we can get off after the first of the year. It was good to see you looking so well. Jenny slept almost all way home.
Campus view of Johnstone Hall A-F, Young Hall, and Benet Hall Clemson University Libraries Northeast-facing aerial shot of Clemson campus stretching from the "shoebox" dormitories to Tillman Hall. Benet Hall and Young Hall pictured in foreground; Dillard Building and physical plant (left) and Johnstone Hall A-F (right) pictured in midground; and left to right in background is Barracks no. 8 (Norris Hall) and the Quad, Holtzendorff Hall, Textile (Godfrey Hall), and Tillman Hall. On back: Aerial views; Dormitories (ext); [Shoeboxes][Johnstone Hall]; Clemson News Bureau, photo by Jack Hurley
A. Wolfe Davidson (left) and Solomon Blatt, Sr. in front of bronze bust of Blatt in the South Carolina State House on the day of bust dedication ceremony, 1979 June 29 Clemson University Libraries The bust later was placed in the Solomon Blatt Office Building, part of the South Carolina State House complex in Columbia, South Carolina. On front - To A. Wolfe Davidson. With my best wishes. Solomon Blatt. Speaker Emeritus, S.C. House of Representatives Barnwell, S.C. June 29, 1979
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Campus View of Bryan Mall and Clemson House Clemson University Libraries North-facing aerial shot of Bryan Mall, with Schilletter Dining Hall, Mauldin Hall and Barnett Hall, and the high rise dormitories (left to right: Manning Hall, Lever Hall, Byrnes Hall). Clemson House visible in top right corner; Clemson town residential neighborhoods visible in top left corner. On back: [High Rise dormitories];[Manning Hall];[Lever Hall];[Byrnes Hall];[Schilletter Dining Hall];[Mauldin Hall];[Barnett Hall];[aerial view];[c1971]

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