Exterior Windowsill, Daniel HouseClemson University LibrariesExterior shot of windowsill at Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Nursing practice inside Edwards HallClemson University LibrariesInterior shot of four nursing students studying at a table, while their classmates practice on mannequins in the background. Classroom in Edwards Hall (also known as the College of Nursing). On back: UA100_001226; [Edwards Hall classroom]; [Nursing]; [01-87]
Daniel Hall and Kinard Laboratory of Physics, With Cooper Bridge in FrontClemson University LibrariesExteior Daniel Hall with stairs and bridge connecting to Kinard Physics Laboratory. Cooper Library bridge visible in foreground; Clemson House (including signage) visible in left background. On back: [Daniel Hall, 1969]; [01-87]
Railway yardClemson University LibrariesOn back of photograph: Transportation - R.R.
Students in Front of Cope HallClemson University LibrariesWest-facing exterior shot of pair of students conversing on bridge entrance to Cope Hall. On back: [Shoeboxes dorms][Cope Hall]
Cadet HospitalClemson University LibrariesOn front: THE CADET HOSPITAL
Gregg Reaper displayClemson University LibrariesGroup of people standing in front of poster and reaper machine. On back: Gregg and [Luther Anderson on far right]
Front Entrance, Daniel HouseClemson University LibrariesExterior shot of front steps and entrance to Daniel House, which is now part of the Joseph A. Shirley Center for Philanthropy. At the time this photo was taken, Daniel House served as the Development Office. On back: [Daniel House 1990]; 04-33
Interior, Clemson House, Student CafeteriaClemson University LibrariesOn back: Clemson House interior; [1970s]; [01-87]; Room pictured is believed to be the Sabre Room, now a student cafeteria-style dining hall instead of a sit-down hotel restaurant. The columns and walls have been wallpapered, and the mural by Gilmer Petroff is no longer visible.
Exterior, Dairy BuildingClemson University LibrariesOn back: DAIRY [1910s]; Exterior shot of the Dairy Building, which was designed by Rudolph Edward Lee, alumn and first head of the School of Architecture.