Open Parks Network
An original IMLS National Leadership Grant project turned into a Clemson University Digital Library program, partnering with divisions of the National Park Service, as well as state park systems.
In house: 300,000 images and counting
Outsource: 141,273 images
- Photographs (including slides)
- Negatives
- Aerials
- Glass negatives/slides
- Documents (bound/unbound/handwritten)
- Stereotypes/scopes
- Hebarium specimens
- Oversize and maps
- Donor cards
Our parks partners
South Carolina Digital Library (SCDL) Collections can be found at
Call My Name
- 4 – African American community scanning events in 2019 and 2021 held at Clemson University, Clemson, and Seneca.
The Citadel, Daniel Library
- “Sphinx” yearbook scanned with a Betterlight Super8k used with book cradle.
Coastal Carolina University
- “The Independent Republic Quarterly” journals. Scanned with Epson 10000XL. Coastal News article on the project.
Columbia College
- Early historical documents from Columbia College including diplomas, class rings, sorority pins, and student records. Scanned with an Epson 10000XL, Atiz Bookscanner Pro, and PhaseOne IQ180.
Faith Clayton Genealogy Room
- Central High School Yearbooks
- Plats, deeds, and documents from Faith Clayton Family collection
Furman University
- “Materials Towards a History of the Baptists in the Provinces of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia” by Morgan Edwards, 1722. Scanned with a Betterlight Super8k.
Greenwood County Library
- James Calvin Hemphill, Sr. Architectural Collection contains architectural plans, artists’ renderings and photographs of buildings that he designed during his career.
Greenville County Library Systems
- McBee & Sons Store Ledger (1846-1858) originally scanned with a Betterlight Super8k and rescanned using an Atiz Bookscanner Pro.
- Maps scanned with a PhaseOne IQ180 digital back.
Historic Mobile Preservation Society of Alabama
- Newspapers and scrapbooks scanned with an Epson 10000XL, PhaseOne IQ180, and Atiz Bookscanner Pro.
Lake Hartwell Country
- Davenport nitrate negative collection. Scanned with an Epson V750 Pro.
- Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church records consisted of photographs, manuscripts, journals, and letters scanned with an Atiz Bookscanner Pro and an Epson 10000XL.
- Talioferro letters set in the Revolutionary period, which mainly contains Caroline Taliferro’s correspondence. The subject of the collection all includes land records and receipts from various generations of the Taliaferro/Miller family. As a whole, the letters range from 1788-1925. Caroline Taliaferro’s correspondence ranges from 1830-1844. The land and financial records remain in the years 1796-1925, with a miscellaneous group of materials at the end of the collection.
Lander University
- Lander University Yearbooks
Presbyterian College
- William Plumer Jacobs collection consisting of photographs, manuscripts, journals, and books. Scanned with an Epson 10000XL, Betterlight Super8k, and Epson V750 Pro.
- “A Nickel and a Prayer” by Edna Jane Hunter. Scanned with a Betterlight Super8k.
Southern Wesleyan University
- SWU yearbooks
USC Union
- USC Union yearbooks
- Commencement programs
USC Upstate
- USC Upstate yearbooks
- Commencement programs
Upcountry History Museum
- Wilson Photographic Collection, 1941-1986. Collection consisted of mostly negatives scanned with an Epson 10000XL, Epson V750 Pro, and a Kodak iQSmart3 (14,413 images).